
Political Philosophy Of Liberalism

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Liberalism is a political viewpoint that is established on the thoughts of liberty and equality. Thus, liberalists promote various ideas that are aligned to the concepts of liberty and equality such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, gender equality, and civil rights. In general, it can be argued that the philosophy of liberalism is focused on protecting and promoting the freedom of the people (Celikates and Jansen). As such, it presents the people as the central issue of politics. In fact, according to the liberalists, the main function of the government is to protect individuals from being oppressed by others. Nonetheless, liberalists are also aware that in the process of offering this protection, the government is also likely to …show more content…

Women are perceived to be weaker than men owing to the independence of men ad ability to control resources. Tim look sees liberalism as an impediment to social communism owing to the fact that it fosters individualism and independence of a person. It challenges the ability of an individual to make informed choices and reveals the benefits of fostering communism to realize socio-economic and political excellence.
3. What is neoliberalism (you get a sense of neoliberalism in David Harvey, Elizabeth Povinelli, Michel Foucault, and Wendy Brown's work)? What critiques of neoliberalism do Harvey, Povinelli, and Brown offer? Neoliberalism refers to a perspective that sees mall time as working time. It encourages people to participate in socio-economic activities at all the time in a bid to realizing the desired development. It plays an essential role in empowering the people to remain committed to realizing success in life by engaging them to work at all the times (Harvey 44). It does not acknowledge the significance of leisure in the socio-economic development of an individual. Critics of neoliberalism are against the fact that a person solely focuses on realizing success at the expense of their wellbeing. It is of the essence for a person to allocate adequate time for rest and leisure to realize the desired socio-economic success (Harvey 47). Although the critics of neoliberalism are not against working, they are against the non-stop working of the

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