
Political Differences Between England And Russia

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Previously, during the Early Middle Ages (500-1350), Western Europe went through a time of Feudalism and Manorialism, and many political, economic, social, and several other, changes were made. Then, during the Late Middle Ages (1300-1600), Western Europe was truly starting to form and become its own territory. At the same time, Eastern European Russia was just beginning to form, and it soon became one of the top civilizations. These two European territories were similar and different. First, England and Russia had their similarities and differences politically. Next, the two parts of Europe were extremely similar economically, albeit they had their differences as well. Finally, culturally, England and Russia were quite different, yet still …show more content…

They shared a few political views, but they had two different political systems. The political idea that they shared was centralization. Centralization is when a ruler removes all outside influences from their territory, including the Church and the nobles. Both Russia and England were centralized. In England, the creation of the new secular courts started the break between politics and religion. When something is secular, it means that it has no religious influence. Before this, several events led to the nobles having no influence either. Events that caused this include the Bubonic Plague and the Crusades. Secular courts were also set up in Russia, along with a judicial system based off of secular laws. Both Russia and England separated from the Church politically, which is a factor of centralization. Eastern and Western Europe had different political "systems," so to speak. Russia grew into an empire, while England stayed a kingdom. An empire covers a vast amount of land, …show more content…

In England, there were guilds and leagues, while on the contrary, Russia did not. A guild was a medieval association of people of the same occupation that worked together to control wages and prices. A league was a medieval group of people formed to promote and protect trade. Leagues also made sure that people would buy products within the country. To do that, leagues would raise prices on all imported goods, and they established a common measurement and weight system. Guilds and leagues were used to help monitor the economy and keep everything inside England. Russia did not have guilds nor leagues; their economy was based on estates. However, in the same fashion, both Russian and English economies were agrarian. If something is agrarian, it means that it is agriculturally based. The difference between the two economies, however, is that the West was commercial, while the East was communal. Commercial is buying and selling, while communal is for the community. Russia was based on the community, and was therefore self-sufficient. With commercial agriculture, England depended on others to buy their crops, and so they were not self-sufficient. The English use of guilds and leagues and being commercially based while Russia being almost the complete opposite, made each of the economies distinct. The only true resemblance between English and Russian economies was that they were both

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