
Police House Meeting Experience

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When i arrived at the city hall I was about 30 to 45 min early. I sat down in conference room and listened to them talk about what they could do to help the fire department. They also talked about what they would do with the old uniforms. Once the council member meeting was over the clerk of the council, Molly Kapeluck, helped me and a few other students make sure they had everything they needed. Before the meeting started i got a picture with James V. Ahlstrom. He is in charge of Ward 1. When it was time to start, they called the meeting to order. Then we stood up and said “The Pledge of Allegiance”. Once The Pledge of Allegiance ended we were seated. They started off with roll call of council members. Once recorded by the clerk they started with an award for the Pavs …show more content…

He was recognized because he had donated to the council ice cream for a social event. After the award they had the council study session. File TMP-1161 was announced approved for the “Regular Meeting Minutes”. After the Council study session, they began the Public Report. They were to state their name and address to the council up at the microphone. Ron Haydu was first up. He was apart of a Engineering group. His property has the North and South Lake. Only one pipe connected the two lakes. In 1996 apparently Green had approved a plan submitted by a developer. They had considered 1098 above sea level would be considered safe; but then they lowered it

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