
Police Brutality Today 's Media

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Police Brutality
What do most people think of the topic of police brutality? More than once, images and stories of minorities ' civil rights being taken away become the topic of conversation. It is heart wrenching to see these videos and hear these stories of police brutality in today’s media. Every day there seems to be another headlining case on the topic of police brutality. Police brutality isn’t just law enforcement officers abusing the power granted to them; however, it is a much larger issue than we originally thought. Police brutality is innocent lives lost, suffering and mourning families, civilian riots and unjust court systems. Police brutality is victims left beaten, shot, strangled and even burned to death on the streets. What was thought to be just a problem of the past is now a part of our horrifying present.
It is heartbreaking to see videos, pictures and hear of the cruel, unjust stories of police brutality in today’s media; however, it has become a common occurrence all over the world. One of the most recent police brutality case stories is the Ferguson case. The Ferguson case occurred on August 9th, 2014 when Michael Brown, an African American male, was shoot to death by a white, male police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was suspected of a strong-armed robbery minutes before his death. The story caused an outrage in the media when Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot Michael Brown, was not indicted on November 24, 2014. Riots took place all

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