
Analysis Of The Black, By Kendrick Lamar

Decent Essays

“We’re all gon’ be all right” In today’s society it is very common to ignore discrimination and oppression toward people of color—primarily black people. For the past couple of years police brutality has been at its peak “killing over 975 in 2015”(Petrohilos). In the wake of the deaths African Americans have been seen protesting for “Black Lives Matter,” they are also fighting for justice of those who have been wrongfully murdered—Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, and many others. The standard way of thinking about police brutality has it that the police officer felt threatened by this young African American, and felt the need to point their gun and pull the trigger. Videos have surfaced of police officer’s dash cams showing that the victims are unarmed, and were not a threat to society at the time of their death. Despite this, Americans continue to ignore the issue and white police officers are given the privilege of keeping their jobs and not being tried for murder.
For these reasons artists like Kendrick Lamar uses his voice to convey messages that need the attention of everyone around the world. In 2015 Lamar dropped his album To Pimp A Butterfly, within his album his song tell stories and give insight on what is happening in the black community. Lamar’s song “Alright,” is introduced and it gives a powerful message on violence against people of color. The song gives the listeners a sense of hope that “we’re all gon’ be alright,” we as a community will make it through the

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