
Points Covered-Freedom

Satisfactory Essays

Quotation # 1: Points Covered—Freedom Edie Brous, RN, wrote an article on how the internet, social media and other new technologies have advanced. The use of social media has taken the free speech amendment to another level against those who don’t understand the restrictions. Nurses share ideas that they believed can be helpful when they post things but they must understand the legal risks of misusing. It’s becoming so broad that now different healthcare and professional organizations use it to communicate with their patients. There is a understanding to free speech limitation Brous notes: The First Amendment doesn’t give U.S citizens the right to say anything about anyone at any time using any medium. Social media misuse can lead to potential …show more content…

Using social media for these purposes creates an evidentiary trail that plaintiffs can use in civil lawsuits, prosecutors can use in criminal prosecutions, and administrative agencies can use in regulatory actions. For licensed professionals, such uses can be problematic and compromise careers. Quotation # 2: Points Covered—Avoid breaking limitations Another way nurses use freedom when it comes to social media and technology “Trust—the hallmark of the nurse-patient relationship” Brous explains about this saying that “nurses should avoid talking about any patients or their situations online…that includes adding their name or other protected information.” By doing this nurses won’t be breaking any rules and they can avoid any mishaps. Quotation # 3: Points …show more content…

Point # 4 – Addition Apps ……A recent survey by Kluwer Kluwer Health’s Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 71% of nurses are using smartphones for their job. It’s becoming the norm in the nursing workplace nowadays and the range of phone apps are moving beyond leisure. It’s not an exaggeration to say that smartphones are moving the nursing practice into a much greater height. From drug references, medication interaction disease, laboratory and safety information, nurses have access to all kinds of data to help them improve patient care. Applications are being designed for daily to help nurses maintain that focus on whats really important. Which includes: EpocratesRX, Nursing Central, Nurse’s Pocket Guide, ShiftPlanning, and Evernote which are helpful applications that takes the focus off of social media, messaging,

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