
Poetic Style Of Alexander Pushkin

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"Редеет облаков летучая гряда" Drawing inspiration from the natural beauty surrounding him during the Southern exile in the city of Gurzuf, Crimea, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin writes a poem inspired by nature and the sight of ancient ruins. His work of art reflects Pushkin's innovative style. Pushkin combines the sense of natural sublime with elegiac elements and introduces a new romantic form born in the classical antiquity. Pushkin originally titled the poem "Таврическая звезда," yet later dropped the title to poem's first line "Редеет облаков летучая гряда." The original title refers to a historical Taurida region in Crimea, named after the ancient Greek name of Crimea "Taurida" where the young poet found inspiration while in exile. Pushkin uses 16-line stanzas in a couplet rhyme aabbccddeeffggaa similar to a sonnet, by combining two lines into one with a rhyme he creates a flow that resembles a song close to the original form of an elegy. Pushkin's style is unique. Pushkin morphs distinct romantic elements with natural sublime on the backbone of classical antiquity. Pushkin directs the first lines towards an evening star. The star is the source of light in the darkness, symbolizing something mysterious, ancient, and divine. The evening star sheds light on the deep love and thoughts that the author carries within himself. It is necessary to note that the author is the narrator who addresses the evening star that is unnamed, and at the beginning of the poem

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