
Plastic Surgery In Aldous Huxley's A Brave New World

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In a brave new world there are multiple things that pop out like cloning, censorship, and marriage trends, but we take a look at plastic surgery. Plastic surgery in their world is different in than in our world. People in brave new world are already perfect. Born perfect because of their genetics are picked out. While in our world people are naturally born with our genes we are given from our parents. This causes the people in our world wanting to change their appearances to fit in to be better in their own way. In this novel, the people end up being 100% perfect in every way. If a baby is born with defects in the “BNW” they kill it because they want perfection in their world. The main thing is that both worlds want to be perfect even if it …show more content…

They also base human reproduction on goods. The more embryos are produced in the line the more their profit increases. Their world wraps around the similarity of our world now. We want to be born with all these features that make us beautiful in our own eyes, but in the real world we can’t. We have to pay for the better things in life. We hope to be as perfect as they are in the novel a “brave new world”, but sadly we should not destroy what god has made. These two worlds are so different. Their world shares with us unusual habits we are not use to in our own world. They share different cultures, lifestyles, religions and appearances than we do in our own world. These differences show why we don’t have them in our world why we do things differently than always trying to be perfect and wanting to fit in all the time with the …show more content…

We have all of this technology to help us become young and try to relive every moment of our lives. Our world has become so high tech that we are staring to enhance everyone’s appearance so they can feel and be perfect as their choice to. It also shows differences and similarities. It can be different by showing people how they’re always supposed to be perfect in every way. But also we have the similarities because people in our worlds aren’t comfortable with the way we look so we want to become perfect just like the characters in “BNW”. We are also alike because we can become perfect like the characters due to plastic surgery. Plastic surgery can make you perfect but it can’t fix anything else like our emotions and other things in our personal life. To me our society is soon to become a society like the novel “Brave New World” we now have special equipment to help fix people to become perfect. Even though they will be perfect they will never be their original self’s again no matter how much surgery they get. That also brings me to the point to how if it is negative or positive to our world. In my opinion, it would be a negative thing because no one would know their original self again making them fake or unoriginal. It could also lead to people being the same in every way causing there to be a giant cult or a monarchy causing someone to rule over the society to become alike and all perfect just

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