
Plan Of Action For Boosting Self Confidence And Self-Esteem

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Plan of action for boosting self-confidence and self-esteem: a. Become aware of your dominant thoughts with the purpose of guiding them towards positive thinking. Your dominant thoughts embed themselves in your subconscious to create your beliefs and habits which translate into your actions and therefore create your reality. Give yourself a boost. Regardless of the present circumstances,replace negative thoughts gently and please with uplifting,joyous, laughing, rejoicing thoughts. . Write down , in order of importance, all your major strengths and your significant achievements till date. If you need prompting, ask a relative or a close friend to help with inputs for recalling traits and events to make this list. Rewrite this list and read it to yourself every morning , as these actions will make a deeper imprint of your positive side in your subconscious b. Think positively about yourself. Remind yourself that, inspiration your problems, you are a special, worthy and valued person, and that you deserve to feel good about yourself. Remind yourself that the universe loves you and you love the universe and that you are beautiful and peaceful in body, mind and spirit just as you are. Your presence makes a valuable difference in the world just because you exist Identify and write off all negative thoughts about yourself such as ‘I am an under achiever, ‘I never do anything right’, or ‘No one really likes me’. . valuable difference in the world. Build yourself

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