So far this year we have learned how to be patient, work together, and to converse about our scientific discoveries. My favorite activity that we have done this year so far was the Pink String activity because you had to communicate with your partner and figure out how to untangle you and your partner without taking the Pink String off your wrist. It was very hard, but challenging, unfortunately my partner and I did not figure out how to solve it, but I would like to try it again soon!
Secondly, Henry's relationship with Marty is like a roller coaster, but slowly starts to develop throughout the novel. With the presence of Ethel, Henry as an average father son relationship with not many problems. Because Ethel brought the family together, the relationship between Henry and Marty went downhill when she died of cancer. Since Henry had an unstable relationship with his father, Henry did not know how to engage with Marty. When Henry learns that Marty has a fiancée, the bond between Henry and Marty starts to develop with the presence of Marty's new fiancée. Finally, Henry finds out how to engage with Marty through Samantha because of her bringing the relationship back
It has been really interesting to learn what it takes to keep the program running and finding different ways for funding. And even though the program has begun to gain community support, my supervisor has
what they have learned with their fellow classmates. Lastly reviewing the chart that we did
What was your favorite overall activity? Why? I liked lights and lasers because, we got to see what our eyes actually are supposed to see. One of my favorite things was when we were throwing beanbags with the blurry goggles on.
Hours after Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan, gaining worldwide headlines, giving millions unanswered questions, the speech, Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation was given one day after the event. On December 8th 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a speech to be remembered today, by using rhetorical devices and figurative language to strongly picture his message to the public, making great use of parallel structure, personification, parallelism, and climax ordering to enforce his key point of wanting Americans to stand up against the Japanese forces for the deliberate actions done towards there peaceful country, with no threat or hint of war or of an armed attack. With hopes of gathering support for the decision to declare war on Japan.
I was interested and delighted to learn about all the different civilizations we as a class went over
The first thing I learned from being on a team was responsibility. Volleyball stressed this concept heavily because members relied on each other to be at practice and games so that we can grow and bond together to form a stronger team. With this responsibility came learning how to effectively communicate. Communication was essential especially in a coach to athlete situation, much like a boss to employee scenario, because if we could not attend practice or we were injured, the coach (boss) had to know. I strive to be an effective communicator at my current job and future career in graphic design so that my customers can get the best experience possible. With my ever-improving skills in communication, holding responsibility for myself and this Bay scholarship, I will be able to reach my goal of living a successful life as a graphic
I had a great opportunity learning with a dynamic group from last semester and look forward to continuing to learn from everyone this semester.
“Excluding white students from multicultural education generate in them an ethnocentricity that creates difficulties for them to interact in global society. They come to see their culture as the norm or the only ‘right’ way and find it difficult to interact with other cultures in a healthy or successful manner (Nieto, 2010, p. 74).”
I learned a lot from them as they learned a lot from me. The trust we had enabled us to develop bonds, mature, and open up to the freshmen. We established a comfortable
Since you can't expect a new team to amaze when it first comes together, putting together a robust team that functions well was a challenge. The second challenge was the fact that we were all the same age and almost all had the same level of experience, which put an extra burden on me trying to influence the team and make them believe in me and trust me as a leader.
Our group worked well together because everybody helped each other. First two time that we met we not to be familiar with others, our mind were not open anymore. In the meeting, we shared with ideas and thought thoroughly on every offered idea before making a decision. If there were any mistakes helped each other to correct it. We had meetings every week and we started knowing each other better. We had discussed about our work, how it’s going and going in the right way or not. Then we had a chance to ask each others. We did everything step by step. Finally everything was done on time which subsequented to reach our main goal.
and the two of you are trying to untangle the strings without breaking it. Not a lot of people succeeded
Also at this particular stage our Department Chair tells us what she expect of us are team member and role models for our students.
The first thing that we learned was about leadership and the new paradigm. I think the old paradigm is what we used mostly in China, and what I was trained to do. The people are motivated intrinsically and as a leader of the volunteers, it was more of an organizing task. It was the same for all projects, just something in our culture makes it this way. So one of the things that I learned right away was that we have a new paradigm. This is exactly what I came here to learn something that is not well known in my country. I have been able to put this into practice here so far, just with our working teams, and I look forward to taking this knowledge back