
Physostigmine Research Paper

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A study of the effect of Physostigmine on Alzheimer patients. Abstract: Will the drug Physostigmine slow the long-term effects of Alzheimer’s disease? Physostigmine has been hypothesized to enhance acetylcholine levels in the brain by cutting back on the effects of an enzyme known to destroy AChE, thus slowing the progress of the disease Alzheimer. A double-blind study consisting of two control groups shall be conducted to test the effects of Physostigmine when administered to patients for use in treating Alzheimer decease, compared to a control group treated with a placebo. The purpose of this study is to test the drug’s effect on the progression Alzheimer disease. Introduction: Researchers will select a group of qualifying participants for the study. The participants will be randomly divided into two groups. Researchers will then manipulate the variables by administering the Physostigmine drug to one group and placebo to another. Researchers will then measure the variable and compare the groups, to see if the drug Physostigmine produced its desired effect. The experiment will be a double-blind study, neither the subject nor experimenter will know what treatment the subject is receiving; a third-party administrator will be the only one who has the knowledge of which patient receive what treatment, until the tests are concluded and the comparisons can begin. …show more content…

The treatment group will receive consistent daily dose of Physostigmine. The control group will receive a daily placebo. Both groups will be subject to the same tests under the same conditions. The groups will be comprised of patients from 3 surrounding hospitals, of male and female patients, ranging between the ages of 50-65 years old, and who have been diagnosed with the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The groups will be divided evenly between male and

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