
Physical Skills Training For An Athlete

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Psychological Skills Training might actually shorten the total rehabilitation time an athlete might face in a temporary injury, however, there are no studies that prove this. Psychological Skills Training might include counseling sessions with an athletic therapist, group sessions with other injured athletes, and motor imagery throughout whatever limb is injured so to speed up the recovery process. At a young age, bonds are made in neighborhoods, skills are identified and teammates are recruited. As the child grows they single in on their favorite sport and build their talent towards perfection. They grow close bonds with their teammates, and they start to build their own identity as an athlete. Athletic Identity is how an athlete identifies with the athlete role. There is a cognitive and a social role of athletic identity. Cognitive structure allows instruction for interpreting information, determining how one might cope with a situation, and inspires behavior to be consistent with their athletic role. Through the social role, athletic identity might be determined by the perceptions of friends and family members (Heird, E. B., & Steinfeldt, J. A.). Most of the time, athletic identity is greatly beneficial towards an athlete, but sometimes it can have a negative effect, for example, when an athlete is forced to take time away from the game (due to injury, school, life events, or end of career consequences). An overly defined athletic identity may not promote a

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