
Photosynthesis Lab Report

Decent Essays

oxygen + glucose → water + carbon dioxide Energy is released.
2 alveoli, bronchioles, bronchus, trachea, mouth and nose
3 the alveoli
4 oxygen
5 The alveoli provide a much larger surface area for exchange of gases. They are a lot more efficient.
6 Oxygen from the air dissolves in the moist surface of the alveoli. The oxygen moves by diffusion across the wall of the alveolus into the blood capillary. The blood carries the oxygen away. Carbon dioxide moves from the blood stream through the wall of the alveolus into the air inside the alveolus. The air is then breathed out.
7 The diaphragm contracts and flattens, causing the space inside the chest to expand. This causes air to be sucked into the lungs through the nose and mouth to …show more content…

Oxygen from the air is used in these reactions. Breathing is a physical process by which the body takes in and releases air.
13 a Both lungs have a large surface area because the internal lining is folded many times. b The surface area of the human lung with its millions of tiny alveoli is much larger the surface area of the frog lung, so the human lung will be able to exchange more gases and be more efficient.
14 a i It would slowly turn milky. ii It would turn milky quickly. b There is carbon dioxide in the air we breathe in (0.04%) but there is a hundred times more carbon dioxide in exhaled air (4%). Therefore the lime water will turn milky more quickly with exhaled air.
15 Having many capillaries means that, after dissolved oxygen has passed through the walls of the alveoli, the oxygen can be quickly and efficiently carried to the parts of the body that need it. The large number of capillaries carrying carbon dioxide makes the removal of this gas more efficient as well.
16 If the tiny alveoli are full of fluid then the air that is breathed in cannot get into them. Therefore the surface area for exchange of oxygen is reduced.
17 Bronchitis affects the bronchi.
18 a …show more content…

Its role is to protect vital organs such as the brain and heart. The appendicular skeleton has many more bones. Its function is to allow movement of the body. b Compact bone is dense and heavy. Spongy bone is light.
29 a A hinge joint allows movement only in one plane. A ball and socket joint allows movement in a complete circle. b A hinge joint allows movement in one plane. A saddle joint allows movement in two planes.
30 A sprain is an injury to a ligament. A strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon.
31 These joints have many small bones and allow a large range of movement. The extra ligaments hold the bones in the correct position and prevent the joint from becoming too flexible. With too much movement in the ankle joint for example, actions such as running could be difficult to control.
32 The spine is made up of many small bones held together by flexible ligaments. Many muscles are attached to these bones. The muscles pull in different directions. The many joints and the different actions of the muscles give the

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