oxygen + glucose → water + carbon dioxide Energy is released.
2 alveoli, bronchioles, bronchus, trachea, mouth and nose
3 the alveoli
4 oxygen
5 The alveoli provide a much larger surface area for exchange of gases. They are a lot more efficient.
6 Oxygen from the air dissolves in the moist surface of the alveoli. The oxygen moves by diffusion across the wall of the alveolus into the blood capillary. The blood carries the oxygen away. Carbon dioxide moves from the blood stream through the wall of the alveolus into the air inside the alveolus. The air is then breathed out.
7 The diaphragm contracts and flattens, causing the space inside the chest to expand. This causes air to be sucked into the lungs through the nose and mouth to
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Oxygen from the air is used in these reactions. Breathing is a physical process by which the body takes in and releases air.
13 a Both lungs have a large surface area because the internal lining is folded many times. b The surface area of the human lung with its millions of tiny alveoli is much larger the surface area of the frog lung, so the human lung will be able to exchange more gases and be more efficient.
14 a i It would slowly turn milky. ii It would turn milky quickly. b There is carbon dioxide in the air we breathe in (0.04%) but there is a hundred times more carbon dioxide in exhaled air (4%). Therefore the lime water will turn milky more quickly with exhaled air.
15 Having many capillaries means that, after dissolved oxygen has passed through the walls of the alveoli, the oxygen can be quickly and efficiently carried to the parts of the body that need it. The large number of capillaries carrying carbon dioxide makes the removal of this gas more efficient as well.
16 If the tiny alveoli are full of fluid then the air that is breathed in cannot get into them. Therefore the surface area for exchange of oxygen is reduced.
17 Bronchitis affects the bronchi.
18 a
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Its role is to protect vital organs such as the brain and heart. The appendicular skeleton has many more bones. Its function is to allow movement of the body. b Compact bone is dense and heavy. Spongy bone is light.
29 a A hinge joint allows movement only in one plane. A ball and socket joint allows movement in a complete circle. b A hinge joint allows movement in one plane. A saddle joint allows movement in two planes.
30 A sprain is an injury to a ligament. A strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon.
31 These joints have many small bones and allow a large range of movement. The extra ligaments hold the bones in the correct position and prevent the joint from becoming too flexible. With too much movement in the ankle joint for example, actions such as running could be difficult to control.
32 The spine is made up of many small bones held together by flexible ligaments. Many muscles are attached to these bones. The muscles pull in different directions. The many joints and the different actions of the muscles give the
In these types of joints the fibers are very short and allow for little of no movement. Synarthroses joints come together at a point at which adjacent bones are bound
The diaphragm's job is to help pump the carbon dioxide out of the lungs and pull the oxygen into the lungs. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscles that lies across the bottom of the chest cavity. As the diaphragm contracts and relaxes, breathing takes place. When the diaphragm contracts, oxygen is pulled into the lungs. When the diaphragm relaxes, carbon dioxide is pumped out of the lungs.
The alveoli provide a large surface area in the lungs as they are very small, they are highly folded and there are a large amount of them in the lungs. In both the lungs of an adult there are around 300 million alveoli. If the alveoli were to be flattened out the surface area would be around 70 metres squared. The alveoli are well adapted as we require a lot of oxygen to respire at an efficient metabolic rate. This also means that we can transfer carbon dioxide out of our body at an efficient rate so a large amount doesn't stay in our blood as it is very harmful.
The diaphragm contracts when the ribcage moves up. The diaphragm relaxes when the ribcage move downs. Task 3 Describe the role of the following in relation to the respiratory system • Muscles • Blood • Nervous system Muscles Muscles control the process of inhaling and exhaling. The intercostal muscles contract and move the ribcage up and out while the diaphragm contracts, this increases the pressure inside the thoracic cavity which causes oxygen to drawn in. when the intercostal muscles relax and move the ribcage down and in and the diaphragm relaxes, this decreases the pressure inside the thoracic cavity which expels the carbon dioxide.
Ligament - Ligaments determine how much the joints can move so each joint is stabilized.
The 4 I have chosen are: • Ball and socket joints: this is in the hip and the shoulder; it allows flexion and rotation in our body and is one of the most moveable joints. • Gliding joints: these bones are the least movable of joints; this allows the bones to glide over each other. • Saddle joint: provides stability to bones and provide more flexibility, it is between the trapezium of carpus and metacarpal of thumb. • Hinge joint: you can find this joint in the knee, ankle and elbow. It only moves in the one direction and can extend.
2. Carbon dioxide- is collected and transported to lungs for purification and oxygenation process is done. Transported back to the heart and lungs.
moving air through the nasal cavity to the lungs and back out. It is also called ventilation.
The features that lungs have that allow for efficient gas exchange are that the lungs are thin, moist and well supplied with blood.
Gas exchange or external respiration is where we get oxygen from the air into the blood and remove waste carbon dioxide from the blood into the air. Gas exchange happens in the lungs between the alveoli (air sacs) and a network of tiny blood vessels called capillaries. The capillaries are located in the moist thin walls of the alveoli. The alveoli give the lungs a really big surface area for diffusion to take place. There are millions of alveoli in the lungs. When inhalation occurs oxygen is taken in through the mouth and nose flowing along the trachea and bronchial tubes to the alveoli of the lungs. The breathed in air, which is now rich with oxygen comes into contact with the blood in the capillary network surrounding the alveoli, which
The diaphragm separates the chest and the abdomen as well as this it has a large role in breathing. The diaphragm moves down when we breathe in which expands the chest cavity making room for air to enter through the nasal cavity or mouth. When we breathe out the diaphragm moves upwards, forcing the chest cavity to reduce in size and pushing the gases in the lungs up and out of either the nose or mouth.
Air enters your lungs through a system of pipes called the bronchi. These pipes start from the bottom of the trachea as the left and right bronchi and branch many times throughout the lungs, until they eventually form little thin-walled air sacs or bubbles, known as the alveoli. The alveoli are where the important work of gas exchange takes place between the air and your blood. Covering each alveolus is a whole network of little blood vessel called capillaries, which are very small branches of the pulmonary arteries. It is important that the air in the alveoli and the blood in the capillaries are very close together, so that oxygen and carbon dioxide can move (or diffuse) between them. So, when you breathe in, air comes down the trachea and through the bronchi into
There are three types of joins in the skeletal system each allowing different types of movements.
The bronchi and bronchiole tubes are loosely wrapped with muscle. During regular breathing, the muscles around these airways are relaxed (5). This allows air to flow freely through these passageways to the alveoli. However, during an asthma attack, air has trouble reaching the alveoli, which prevents the body from receiving oxygen. This is because the airways become smaller. Firstly, the muscles around the airways spasm and contract. This then causes inflammation of the bronchioles and bronchi themselves, which causes a mucus to be produced.
As we breathe in, the muscles in the chest wall force the thoracic area, ribs and connective muscles to contract and expand the chest. The diaphragm is contracted and moves down as the area inside the chest increases as air enters the lungs. The lungs are forced open by this expansion and the pressure inside the lungs becomes enough that it pulls