
Philosophy Of Equitable Literacy And Language Education Essay

Decent Essays

Philosophy of Equitable Literacy and Language Education

The purpose of education is to provide children with a further understanding of subjects and the world around them. Education gives children a chance to mature and develop socially and intellectually. Each and every child is unique and needs special individualized attention in the classroom in order to learn and grow. As an educator it is my ambition and main goal to help students reach their fullest potential by providing authentic experiences in the classroom. Bill Beattie said, “The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think — rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men.”

Authentic Talk

A student centered classroom is driven by children talking and being engaged with each other authentically. At a young age, children are praised for talk as they attempt to begin communicating. As they get older however, children are asked to stay quiet and are seen as a distraction to learning when they are in constant communication with their peers. Children learn through talk and sharing. Students may not always get something out of instruction led solely by the teacher. When talk is encouraged in the classroom, students have the opportunity to learn from their peers. When students are able to share their experiences, stories, and learning payoffs with their peers, an opportunity for further acquisition of

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