
Peyton Manning

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Omaha! Omaha! As Peyton would scream before every play. Peyton was one of the best QBs ever to play the game of football. He has broke and set so many records on all three levels. It all started at Isidore Newman High School in New Orleans, Louisiana. When he set foot on their field for the first time. Peyton Manning had a awesome high school career. Peyton started as a sophomore and lead his team to an overall record of 34-5. Peyton was recruited by 60 colleges. The top ones were: Florida, Florida State, LSU, Michigan, Ole Miss, Tennessee, Texas, and Texas A&M. He was also named the Best High School Player-of-the-year in 1993. Peyton had 761 passing attempts with 452 completions. He pass for 60% and over 7,202 passing yards with 92 passing TDs. Finally, Peyton Manning finally made up his mind and went to the University of Tennessee.
In the 4th game in the season in 1994, Peyton Manning went and turn the University around. For the rest of the season, he lead his team to a 7-1 record for the rest of the year. He started for the rest of his career. He improve so much for the rest of the career. He had 863 complections with 1,381 attempts. He has 11,201 passing yards with …show more content…

Peyton went to Super Bowl 41 and 44. He won 41 but he lost in Super Bowl 44. The Colts ended up trading to the Denver Broncos in 2011. He went to two Super Bowls with the Broncos. In Super Bowl 48 the Broncos got their butts spank by the Seattle Seahawks. However they went to Super Bowl 50 against the one lost team. The Carolina Panthers. They won 24-10. After that game, Peyton Manning retired. Peyton went to 14 Pro Bowls. He had 6,125 Completions with 9,380 Attempts. He had 71,940 passing yards with 539 TDs with 251 interceptions. He rushed for 667 yards with 431 attempts. He had 18 TDs by doing that to. Then The Peyton Era finally came to an end when he retired in 2015 just after he won the Super

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