
Persuasive Speech : Designer Babies

Satisfactory Essays

Persuasive Speech Outline
Presenter: Uliana Zavyalova
Question Type: Policy
Organization Classical Argument
General purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade audience to have designer babies
Central idea: People should have designer babies because this technology gives great benefits such as parents get to choose healthiest embryos, gender and appearance of their future child

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Have you ever wished your future babies would have your sense of humor? Or be as athletic as you are? Smart like you? Or have your beautiful blue eyes? Your nose? Lips? Your future baby has big chances to inherit it. 50/50. And that is if you ignore hundreds and hundreds of generations before you and your partner. More like a …show more content…

B. Gender specific disorders, such as hemophilia, are avoided by picking the gender that does not carry the disorder.

III. Transition: And now that we have talked about what designer baby means let me say couple of words about the history of the technology
A. There are main points in the History of Genetic Modification in Embryos, according to
“1953 - Structure of DNA deduced (Watson, Crick, Wilkins, Franklin)
1968 - DNA code deciphered
1973 - First recombinant DNA experiments (in bacteria)
1978 - First in vitro fertilization birth
1982 - First proposals for human gene transfer experiments
1991 - First somatic gene transfer experiments begun
1992 - Development of intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in Belgium
1996 - First mammal cloned (sheep)
June 2000 - "Working draft" of the human genome sequence announced
October 2000 - A child conceived in part to provide therapeutic tissues for an earlier-born sibling is born; techniques of preimplantation genetic diagnosis are used to ensure that the child does not itself carry the disease
October 2001 - Fertility experts announce they will begin to offer PGD for use in sex selection to clients
March 2002 - China reported to be creating human clonal embryos for research
April 2003 - Research on primates suggests that successful human cloning may be impossible
April 2003 - The first complete sequence of the genetic code

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