
Persuasive Essay Smoking

Decent Essays

Vaping is often seen as a safe or safer route to smoking. It is also relatively new to the market, only hitting the mainstream over the past decade. Due to the fact that it hasn’t been a part of the public consciousness for as long as cigarette smoking, there is a lot of people that still do not fully understand about it. Smoking is an evil habit that millions of people around the world have adapted. However, luckily vaporizers have become a huge trend in the smoking world. “About 3.7% of adults currently use e-cigarettes every day or some days, with use differing by age and race and Hispanic or Latino origin.” ( The progression of vaporizers slowly and surely has declined the popularity of …show more content…

Vaporizers give people jobs, help the economy flow, and are popular in every state in the country. Creativity is endless because manufacturers create different styles of devices and mods to customize the looks of vaporizers and the power of the vaporizers. The thousands of liquid flavors available help make the possibilities endless in giving vapor smokers choices of what to taste when vaping. None of which is possible when smoking plain dull tobacco rolled cigarettes. Although vaping is a much healthier and more productive alternative than cigarette smoking, it is still dangerous and negative impacts can be encountered. “The fluid within the device is known to contain propylene glycol, an organic substance which absorbs water.” ( Long term effects from the propylene glycol can result in problems with the circulatory system. The short time of vaporizer’s existence has made it difficult to determine the long term effects of vaping that could harm individuals. According to Felberbaum, an FDA spokesperson, there have been over 130 reports of vaporizers blowing up from the overheating of batteries. With the lack of FDA regulations and restrictions there are also cases where companies that sell very cheap liquids use ingredients that can potentially harm anyone inhaling the substance. There is yet no possibility that any of these negative effects will allow cigarettes to take over

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