
Persuasive Essay Smoking

Decent Essays

*have heaps of papers used as an example of bills *I am stressing and shouting “why!! I don’t have the money to pay this, why!!!. Why can’t my problems go away, I can’t deal with this, where are you, I need you, just a little taste to take this stress away, just one” *Look at a pretend smoke
“It won’t do me any harm will it? Just one puff won’t hurt?” *Pause Okay so what you just witnessed there is probably a day in a smoker's life that can lead to a long term effect on someone’s life. If you haven’t figured out what I will be talking about, here’s a hint, it is a poisonous toxic that is slowly taking the amount of time we all have with our loved ones and even closest friends and it is also affecting the environment in which we all live in.

This toxic is called SMOKING. The reason why I chose this topic is because both my parents smoke and I hope that they will soon decide to quit, not only for them but for our family. Now that you know what i’ll be talking about , I’m gonna ask you something. Can you please raise your hands if you have a loved one who smokes or just know someone who does?

One important thing to note, if you didn’t already know is that smoking is bad for your health.As I mentioned earlier, smoking has poisonous toxins in it like nicotine, making it very addictive that is why even if you just try smoking for fun or just have one puff there is a high chance that you will get

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