As a student who use to attend a year-round school, all schools should become year-round. Year-round education will be an improvement for students who have never been in a year round school. There are roughly 3,000 schools enrolled to Year-Round Education and more than 2 millions students in those Year-Round schools in the United States. Year-Round schooling would help students cut down on the amount of stress they develop throughout the year. When having a long 3 month summer break you will forget a lot of information that teachers had taught; but if you was to go to school for 9 weeks and get out for 3 weeks to come back to school and start the next 9 weeks of school. More counties should have year-round school to prevent students from dropping out. It is proven that less students drop out that go to year-round school instead of regular.
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Stress is one of the main reason why students who go to traditional schools drop out or just don’t come back to school. Traditional school students drop out and never want to finish school because of how stress they are. Year-round students are not really stressed because they have that three weeks out of school after the nine weeks unlike traditional schools.
Traditional schools make kids very stressed out and that’s what makes the dropout rates goes up so bad. Students can’t handle all the work they have to do and they still have things to do outside of school. Students that are in year-round schools they never are stressed out as much as students that are in traditional school are. When year-round students get out of school for the three weeks they can seat back and relax and don’t have to be back at the school after the nine weeks is over. But, but traditional school they will be back to school the next day after nine weeks is
According to text one “If students are in a school year-round, they can’t have summer jobs and sports teams’ schedules become difficult to figure out.” This shows that if their is a year-round schedule both summer jobs and sports schedules would be hard to figure out. If you were to apply for a job for 15 days, every 45 days, 99% of employers would say no. Most people can’t walk into a store, say something like that, and have the employer say yes. This shows that having a traditional school is better than a year-round school.
Year-round schooling is a good idea because it cuts down on the set backs of long breaks. The summer break that everyone knows and loves used to have a different purpose then just swimming in the sun. In the 19th century the children going to school also worked on family farm, so they used this summer “vacation” to help get ready for the winter months. (McFadden and McMahon) Now that there is less farming families schools do not have to worry about that. By the end of the year, YRS
Also, staying in school for longer periods of time contributes to more learning time. Although a traditional school and year round school go to school for the same number of days, year round schools still have long periods of times without a break. During those times additional classes or extra material can be covered exposing the students to more opportunities. Keeping children out of trouble is a great benefit that year round school provides as well as frequent, short breaks and being able to learn
Going to a year-round school is way better than going to a traditional calendered school. According to the article “Should You Give Up Summer Vacation?,” there are many pieces of evidence that show that going to a year-round school is a better choice than going to a traditional schedule school. A couple examples of why going to a year-round school is better for students is that the shorten breaks lessen how much students forget, more shorter breaks relieves the stress students have and because other countries are way more advance than the United States. Year-round and traditional calendered schools are very similar. They both have the same amount of days that the students go to school for and the same amount of when the students don´t have
Even though kids in year round school learn more over the summer than the kids that are on the nine month school calendar , but the kids in the nine month school calendar learn more during school then the ones in year round school. The article says, "We found that students in year-round schools learn more during the summer, when others are on vacation, but they seem to learn less than other children during the rest of the year," said von Hippel. The problem, von Hippel said, may be that year-round schools don't actually add more school days to the school year. The total number of school days and vacation days are about the same for both systems - about 180." If kids in the nine month school calendar are learning more while they are at school then they might as well stick with not having year round
If there is year round schooling, there is a higher potential level and students would benefit from having year-round schooling. There are year round schooling which would cause a lot less distractions through the school year. “Suppose in the year round school program, there’s a break every six or eight weeks; that means as soon as students begin to feel settled, they’re off again. If shortened breaks come too frequently, as they’d almost have to in the new system, it becomes harder for students to ever get
Year round schooling may sound scary but read this and I might change your mind. Year round school is pretty much what is sounds like, except it is the same amount of school days as a regular year, and it has more spread out breaks. Year round school would be beneficial because it consist of less review due to “summer slide”, more “family time”, and longer more spread out breaks.
Having traditional schooling gives kids the chance to spend time with some friends and family that they might not be able to see often. If our school was to switch to year-round schooling it would ruin our chance to be able to spend more time with friend and family. Many families leave for summer and go on some sort of trip so somewhere that they don’t go very often, but if year-round schooling was to take place then this would cut the amount of time we get to leave and spend time in places we have never been to or see family and friends we don’t see very often. Family trips are very important for building bonds and connecting with
Schools are facing many issues today. Some are facing the debate about whether to keep standardized tests or not. Other schools are worried about academic performance. But others are worried about when kids should be in school. One issue that schools face today is what kind of school schedule there should be throughout the year. With the long break of summer, many people prefer the short breaks of year round schools. Year round schools, can actually benefit students in the long run. There should be year round schooling because it can help students learn more and forget less, other classes are included and childcare is provided, teachers get more time to plan and teach lessons.
If students attend year round school, they would learn more than those who do not. One reason they would learn more, is that they attend class for a longer time. A second reason would be, they have shorter vacations, thus preventing the children from losing the information they
Year round school helps with the complications of childcare issues. Parents won 't have to worry about paying for their child to go to a daycare or a summer camp. Child care can be very expenses and the child might even be upset about going to daycare everyday of the summer. Another child care issue is that if families have older children they could get stuck with watching their younger siblings. Then most of teenagers summer are spent watching their younger siblings when they could be enjoy their summer the way they want.
Whether it’s year-round or traditional school they both have drawback, but a year-round schedule would be more devastating than many may think. The negative effects of a year-round schedule are enormous compared to that of a traditional school calendar. “Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change” (Quote Garden). Overall the cost would add up, kids would miss quality time with their relatives, and moreover struggle with finding a normal
Another reason in the article “Schools should be year round” that Students in year-round schools are less likely to have to miss school for a trip that isn’t in the summer. This meaning that they can have their long vacation in the summer because they’ll have a long summer break than just on breaks, for example Spring and Winter break. I think that year round schooling is a great idea and has many
Student would be able to socialize with their friends a lot also. This socialization is necessary for the social development of the child. School should be year round because some students love being around there favorites teachers. They learn so much from this rich environment that is not written in the textbooks. If school should be year round, students will like school more than playing video games. Parents will enjoy this because they will have time to get things done while there students are at school having fun with their teacher and friends. The argument for year round school is in school you can socialize more with other kids, races, cultures, or just other people. This will help to develop a
If students go to school year round there will be more breaks! Instead of the usual summer vacation and a few holidays there would be scheduled breaks every two months. It may not be more than a few days but still a break. Students could count of time away from school without test or homework. It really is only a matter of redesigning the school schedule. This designing would allow for more classes in fields that will be needed in the coming years to bolster the global economy. Students will be able to take classes that will get them out of a school building and into the environment. Teachers can be more creative