
Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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As a student who use to attend a year-round school, all schools should become year-round. Year-round education will be an improvement for students who have never been in a year round school. There are roughly 3,000 schools enrolled to Year-Round Education and more than 2 millions students in those Year-Round schools in the United States. Year-Round schooling would help students cut down on the amount of stress they develop throughout the year. When having a long 3 month summer break you will forget a lot of information that teachers had taught; but if you was to go to school for 9 weeks and get out for 3 weeks to come back to school and start the next 9 weeks of school. More counties should have year-round school to prevent students from dropping out. It is proven that less students drop out that go to year-round school instead of regular.

Year-Round …show more content…

Stress is one of the main reason why students who go to traditional schools drop out or just don’t come back to school. Traditional school students drop out and never want to finish school because of how stress they are. Year-round students are not really stressed because they have that three weeks out of school after the nine weeks unlike traditional schools.

Traditional schools make kids very stressed out and that’s what makes the dropout rates goes up so bad. Students can’t handle all the work they have to do and they still have things to do outside of school. Students that are in year-round schools they never are stressed out as much as students that are in traditional school are. When year-round students get out of school for the three weeks they can seat back and relax and don’t have to be back at the school after the nine weeks is over. But, but traditional school they will be back to school the next day after nine weeks is

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