Marijuana is now legal for more states, but not every state. Marijuana should be legal, and watched the same way alcohol is. Marijuana being illegal leads to extra issues that are just not needed. “What have we gotten from our 80-year experiment with marijuana prohibition? Organized crime, increased use of stronger mari- juana, and government waste”(Erwin). It leads to people illegally growing marijuana, and smuggling it into the country. The government getting involved in the drug war of getting rid of all the drug dealers and pushers. Not all people feel that marijuana is bad. A lot of people argue that marijuana is just another issue that does not have to be dealt with by the government. I also agree with these people. If marijuana was legal then this country's war on drugs would be lowered greatly. I see it as leaving the weeds in a garden that do not bother the flowers. Marijuana is the drug that should not be categorized along with drugs like cocaine and heroin. The side effects of those drugs are much worse than marijuana. Even alcohol could be considered worse than marijuana. Legalizing marijuana would develop more jobs for the United States, receive more money, give people a choice to smoke marijuana, and decrease the war on drugs immensely.
There is a difference between drug use and drug abuse. Drug use is when you are issued or prescribed a drug to help deal with the issue of a disease or pain of the body and/or mind. Drug abuse is the Habitual use of drugs to
Legalizing marijuana for health and municipal purposes in the United States Of America, personally I think it's a great idea. A lot of other people don't think legalizing marijuana is the greatest idea in the world, they think that people will use it in the wrong ways and not to help with any diseases that it can kill. Legalizing marijuana in the United States should be done because it can help people with diseases that they can’t fix with just any medicine, it can kill most deadly diseases, and it keeps people from taking multiple pills a day.
Have you ever wondered when and why marijuana was made illegal? The herbal plant, commonly used in medicines, was not considered a drug in the early 1900s. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 banned the use and sales of marijuana. This act was put in place due to careless slander. Marijuana, in America should be legalized because it is safer than alcohol and tobacco, marijuana funds gangs and cartels, and marijuana can replace toxic, addictive pharmaceuticals.
Can you imagine being just six-years-old and suffering from over three hundred violent seizures a week? From birth, Charlotte Figi suffered from a rare form of epilepsy, which caused these seizures. After trying everything to help Charlotte, her parents finally decided to try medical marijuana, and it worked! Charlotte still had seizures, but now, she had maybe two or three seizures a month instead of three hundred a week. Charlotte’s story and many similar stories, along with medical research and sound reasons, have caused the public’s opinion about marijuana to change in favor of legalizing it, and I agree. I strongly believe that marijuana, and especially medical marijuana, should be legalized across the entire
Medical marijuana is legalized in 29 out of the 50 states in the United States and the main goal is to obtain legalization in all states (Procon, 2017). People around the world have different views of using marijuana for medication, especially when it is being used for children. The benefits of marijuana are endless and it can be used for numerous different medical conditions. Of course with anything positive there is always a negative side of it. People believe that the medical marijuana will affect the brain of people that use it since it is a drug. Overall medical marijuana should be legalized in all states throughout the United States, because it is safe, and it provides a huge amount of economic benefits and health benefits.
Marijuana, also known as many other names such as cannabis, mary j, weed, chronic, pot, and dope, is a very commonly known and used drug around the world. The drug is illegal for recreational use in Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and Washington D.C.
The problems that can arise if a politician were to use subjective measures, instead of objective measures, in advocating new laws can result in several, problematic, dilemmas’. Such as, creating laws for their own self benefit, disregarding public opinion for personal enlightenment, unrecognition of present or potential situations, and discrimination against political equality.
The legalization of the marijuana is one of the hot topics these days. The states of Colorado and
Marijuana, since its discovery, has been used as a recreational drug by many individuals. Over the years marijuana has been seen as an inferior drug, so many never considered it to be beneficial in whichever way. However, in these recent years marijuana has grown an enormous popularity, the medicinal use of it has proven to work. Citizens of the United States have demonstrated to the government that marijuana isn't such a dangerous substance like it was portrayed to be back in the 1970’s. The legalization of marijuana nationwide would be very difficult since the federal government classified marijuana a schedule one drug back in the 1970’s. Marijuana was scheduled by the controlled substance act passed by the congress in 1970. President Nixon passed this act because of the war on drugs, he thought that classifying drugs in these five categories would put an end to drug abuse that was occurring the United States back then, but the world has changed since then. Marijuana is classified a schedule one drug accompanied by heroin, LSD, and ecstasy. Currently in the United States many
The United States is divided with the controversial topic of legalizing marijuana with opposes proclaiming it is a drug and has considerable side effects, and supporters saying it had been proven to be beneficial medically. More than twenty states have legalized medical marijuana, and seven have legalized recreational marijuana. In all, marijuana should be legalized for it has many medical benefits, and is less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco.
The legalization of marijuana should be our next big milestone. This plant helps people with anxiety, depression and people with drug problems. These people who have drug problems are sometimes the causes of the crime rate. Marijuana was a relief to many people who are suffering from abuse, loss, regret and stress. Marijuana can be used as an alternative to pills. People with depression and anxiety often are addicted to the pills, and those addictions are one of the leading causes of death today.
Many people consider marijuana a gateway drug, but studies have shown the complete opposite. It helps society economically. According to ( ” Legalizing and regulating marijuana will bring the nation's largest cash crop under the rule of law. This will create jobs and economic opportunities in the formal economy instead of the illicit market.” Marijuana legalization will be a huge boost for this country’s economy.
Marijuana is a drug used to get an ultimate feeling of happiness or high. This drug has been banned for sometime now because it is viewed as unhealthy and disgraceful. However, some people need it for medical purposes, but even that is illegal in some places. The right to take Marijuana for medical purposes should be legal.
Larry King once said “I had four chiefs of police on duty, and the question I raised: ‘If neither was was legal, marijuana or liquor, and you could only legalize one, what would you legalize?’ And they all answered at the same time, ‘marijuana,’ because they had never seen a murder committed while someone [was] under the influence of marijuana, and 80% of the homicides they had investigated were alcohol-related. I think alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana.” Legalizing marijuana has a lot of positives to it. Some of them are profit, medical purposes, reducing harm, creating jobs,etc.. Four states in the United States have legalized marijuana in all ways, including recreational and medical purposes , and have not had major problems with
Have you seen people buying weed from vending machines and being “high” on streets? I have seen it for a couple of times. The legalization of marijuana has always been a controversial topic around the world. Living in Vancouver, a city where you can purchase marijuana everywhere, we can see the increasing trend of usage of marijuana. Marijuana shops are now very common, and you’ll be able to find at least 19 shops that sell marijuana in downtown Vancouver. People argue about how marijuana is “no worse” than smoking or drinking alcohol, but does it mean that it should be legalized? We are now living in a city, where vending machines that originally sells chips and cokes are replaced by drugs. Is this the city that you and your next generation
Cannabis should become legalized because it can be used to help relieve pain, It is safer than alcohol and tobacco, and it has multiple purposes in plant form. Due to all of the controversy about whether it should or shouldn't be legal people don't know which side to turn to. Scientists are doing more studies on it and are discovering facts about the benefits of marijuana and are disproving the beliefs we were taught about marijuana.