
Persuasive Essay On Why Marijuana Should Be Legal

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Marijuana is now legal for more states, but not every state. Marijuana should be legal, and watched the same way alcohol is. Marijuana being illegal leads to extra issues that are just not needed. “What have we gotten from our 80-year experiment with marijuana prohibition? Organized crime, increased use of stronger mari- juana, and government waste”(Erwin). It leads to people illegally growing marijuana, and smuggling it into the country. The government getting involved in the drug war of getting rid of all the drug dealers and pushers. Not all people feel that marijuana is bad. A lot of people argue that marijuana is just another issue that does not have to be dealt with by the government. I also agree with these people. If marijuana was legal then this country's war on drugs would be lowered greatly. I see it as leaving the weeds in a garden that do not bother the flowers. Marijuana is the drug that should not be categorized along with drugs like cocaine and heroin. The side effects of those drugs are much worse than marijuana. Even alcohol could be considered worse than marijuana. Legalizing marijuana would develop more jobs for the United States, receive more money, give people a choice to smoke marijuana, and decrease the war on drugs immensely.
There is a difference between drug use and drug abuse. Drug use is when you are issued or prescribed a drug to help deal with the issue of a disease or pain of the body and/or mind. Drug abuse is the Habitual use of drugs to

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