
Persuasive Essay On White Privilege

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Congratulations for those of you who have won the fictitious genetic lottery imposed by society, the government, and first world countries for being born white. The prize: the white privileges granted to us every single day; set by the racist, the profiteers, and the selfish individuals allowed to prevail for centuries through the silence of our own fears and thinking that this was and is not our problem. The topic of white privilege has unsettled many. Have you ever stopped to think what privileges you may take for granted everyday for having a certain shade of skin? To have a generally “positive relationship with the police,” the ‘nude color’ matching your own skin tone, the hotel shampoo matching your hair type and texture, seeing people of your own race celebrated in monuments, textbooks, currency, not being followed by security personnel in stores, and to be not perceived as a danger to the community in the media (Greenberg and Holladay). It's easy to overlook our white advantages when it's not you who is being directly confronted, violated, and unjustly prejudiced for simply having a different colored skin. If you had a different skin tone, would these everyday inconveniences to downright discrimination become more apparent? Since the 17th century onward, indentured servants received more rights than Africans being protected by the crown of England. Africans brought to America were viewed as a class of untouchables, and in 1705 an African American could get

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