
Persuasive Essay On The Immigration Movement

Decent Essays

The issue of immigration is complex for any nation; a fact that one must first accept that before proposing any solution to the issue. There are several factors, which need to be considered, including a nation’s ability to care for migrants, sovereign’s right to protect, and the option of helping migrants to stay home. The Catholic Bishops of the United States and Mexico in a document entitled, Strangers no Longer on the Journey of Hope writes: “Catholic teaching has a long and rich tradition in defending the right to migrate. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus, the Church's teaching has provided the basis for the development of basic principles regarding the right to migrate for those attempting to exercise their God-given human rights. Catholic teaching also states that the root causes of migration–poverty, injustice, religious intolerance, armed conflicts–must be addressed so that migrants can remain in their homeland and support their families.” The best option is always for the migrant to instead remain a home. However, with the many struggles that are evident in the many countries from where persons are forced to flee, there is a need for mercy and compassion that is echoed by Jesus. It is an expectation that nations will want to protect their citizens. After all, the main function of a government is to protect those who are in their boundaries. Still, the radical love of Jesus calls the Christian to look beyond earthly …show more content…

As Christians, one must aid in restoring dignity to all migrants. However, dignity cannot be imposed, therefore, one has to enable these real men and women to escape from extreme poverty. “The common home of all men and women must continue to rise on the foundation of a right understanding of the universal fraternity and respect for the sacredness of every human life…especially those who are only considered as part of a

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