The Holocaust is a horrific event to think and talk about. From the years 1933 to 1945 over 60 million people died. People now look and don’t want to discuss about it. I see this time as an opportunity. I see that we can cultivate a better world. I believe that we can ensure the memory of those who died are not forgotten. That the lives be celebrate and cherished. I see a new love of humanity to be born out of the Holocaust. This is crazy right? How can anything positive come out of something so negative. That’s the thing though, to embrace the positive times. We must also remember and learn from the negative ones.
Mr.Arbeiter says in quote “May a new love of humanity to be born out of the horrors we have known”. Although I am confused, I first needed to grow a deep understanding of what it means to love humanity. When Mr. Arbeiter says “new love of humanity”. What does
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That although it was catastrophic, we can learn from it. That although there was once darkness that surrounded our world. We can use that darkness of the past, and use it to fuel a brighter future. Together, hand in hand, we can pray for many things. First, a new love of humanity to born out of the horrors we have known. Second, cultivate a better world. Third, ensure the memory of those who are lost.The Holocaust is a painful topic to think and talk about. From the years 1933 to 1945 over 60 million people died. People now look and don’t want to discuss about it. I see this time as an opportunity. I see that we can cultivate a better world. I believe that we can ensure the memory of those who died are not forgotten. That the lives be celebrate and cherished. I see a new love of humanity to be born out of the Holocaust. This is crazy right? How can anything positive come out of something so negative. That’s the thing though, to embrace the positive times. We must also remember and learn from the negative
The Holocaust was a miserable event that we want to prevent from happening again in the future.
I’ve found that there’s many creations regarding the Holocaust; it’s never letting us forget the atrocities of it’s past. It’s something we should recognize because it had an enormous impact to us and the ones around us. Not only should it be recognized for the impact it created, but it should be taught to us because we wouldn’t want this such tragedy to be repeated.
The Holocaust was a period approximately in the same period of the Nazi Party’s power in Germany, and around the length of World War II. It began with just a simple persecution of a minority, but eventually in the later stages of the war it became something much more horrific and detestable. The Nazi Party sent Jews from all of Europe that it controlled into brutal death camps to be exterminated in one of the most bone-chillingly effective attempts at exterminating a people in all of human history. The dehumanized people in those camps died en masse, and the Jewish people are still recovering from the effects of this genocide. In the utterly grave situation during the Holocaust that people found themselves in, it is ironic that this was how
Think about what the world would be like if we didn’t know who committed the crimes against the people during the Holocaust. We know what happened because of people like Elie Wiesel and Lily Ebert. All because they were willing to share their experiences. This is why we should not stop talking about the Holocaust and should keep remembering what happened, and take a stand against the evil that is willing to commit these
As people, we need to stop bad situations such as the Holocaust so they don't repeat and so more people don't get hurt and even lose their lives from
"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest," a quote by Elie Wiesel. In history we always make sure that we remember what was important, and even some of the things that weren't. This may seem like it doesn't matter, like it's utterly irrelevant, but I promise it is actually very important. The Holocaust was a exceedingly important event in history, it should be known by everybody and every generation, while never being forgotten. This is because it is a significant example of what cruel people can do in this world, it shows us what mistakes not to make again, and it helped our world believe that people can be different without being killed.
New statistics shows that the Nazi Holocaust may have kill as many as 20 millions lives. To this day, the Holocaust is thought to have absorbed between five and six million Jews, with an estimated of five million other people also murdered by the Nazi. Amazingly most of the Jews who were in the concentration camps survived and are still alive. Each Holocaust survivor has their own rare and personal story about their experience during those times, and many people are willing to hear these survivor's story and many are amazed by it. This is another reason why the Holocaust will remain a monumental as a historic
For many educated people learning about the Holocaust can send them feelings of sorrow or deep remource. Not only for the meaning of the word, but why it is called that. The pure evil of the final solution created thought of and created by none other than Adolf Hitler will never stop haunting people more than half a decade later. One of the prominat things that everyone missed in his highly sold auto-biography "My struggle". The thought of solid hatrid found within the cover of the horiable book will always burn in the souls that it harmed from the day it began till the dawn of today.
The Holocaust was the result of the cumulation of years of racism and pure hatred. The Holocaust’s legacy has to be preserved if there is any chance to eliminate racial genocide. Learning about terrible events like the Holocaust helps to promote a sense of responsibility and a fight for human rights. Knowing that blind hatred can lead to genocide will help to eliminate genocide because knowing that something horrible is preventable forces a sense of responsibility for those who can to stop it. Remembering the Holocaust is a way to ensure that anything like it is never repeated because if something so terrible is preventable, everyone should help to prevent
"This is a humbling and deeply disturbing subject for anyone who approaches it, yet we have to learn the history of the Holocaust, to know it as best we can. Remembering the Holocaust and understanding how it came about is part of making sure it never happens ag
The Holocaust was a bad event from our history that leaves scars all over on humanity due to the results of so much loss. The Holocaust should be acknowledged so we can learn from our mistakes and analyze what we can do differently to prevent this from happening again. One thing we can teach kids today is to collect more knowledge by getting opinions of others, and trying to get different perspectives on things before acting on just your opinion. One great example that we need to take a look at is the people. The people of Germany. Well, was he right? Did they think he was right? A lot of people did for they let him reign over them and let him move forward with the plans. The people that followed him had a biased opinion about the topic of the Jews because of Hitler. People can be wrong sometimes. Even if you think they are right about everything, they aren’t. But the people
The Holocaust happened so long ago, begging the question,why do people still care about it? The historical changing event is relevant in today's’ society, although some may think otherwise. Future generations need to be educated about such events to prevent similar events from happening. They should never be forgotten or denied of existence because many innocent people were killed. Autobiographies are written about survivors of the Holocaust and their many stories in general depicting what happened during that time period.
There were about 500,000 living survivors of the Holocaust in 2014. It is vital for students to be taught about the Holocaust in school. The article, "combating" shows that the students need to be aware that the event did in fact happen. The article "Genocide" shows students what happens when hate against one group or culture becomes too much. Elie Wiesel's Night shows students an eyewitness account of how much violence, brutality, and abuse to the prisoners had to go through in the Holocaust. Though some people are against the subject of the Holocaust because it is too graphic or mature for the students, it is important that students learn from a trusted adult instead of letting other students try to teach it to themselves. The students should learn about the subject of the Holocaust in school because it teaches the importance of equality, about the events occurrence, and teaching about the dangers of discrimination and abuse.
The Holocaust was an event that many would love to forget, lives would be altered forever, and many would come to realize the true ability
Lastly, another fascinating thing about the Holocaust is whether or not people have moved on from the Holocaust and considered it ‘old news’ in today’s world. Many people believe that in today’s world, we have moved on from the holocaust and considered it ‘old news’. In my opinion we have definitely not moved on or forgotten the Holocaust, how could we? The Holocaust was such a catastrophic event that changed the world forever. It will never be forgotten. In many ways the Holocaust is so disturbing but I’m glad to know about it. Hitler was wrong for killing the Jews because all people should be treated the same. It’s horrible how no one back then knew anything. And even though some did have their suspicions, they never did anything...the whole thing is sick, horrible, and terribly sad. Centuries from now people will still remember the Holocaust because it was a major event in history when millions of Jews and others were murdered, there for it will never be forgotten. We need to remember the