As we all know, the Holocaust was a crucial time for everyone and authors have used different techniques to really show the readers the damage that was done. In “The Boy In The Striped Pajamas” written by John Boyne, the main character becomes friendly with a Jewish boy on the other side on the fence and he learns the torture of being on that side. In the novel, “The Devil’s Arithmetic” by Jane Yolen, a teenage girl does not understand her religion but then is transported back in time to learn to respect it. In “Teens Against Hitler” created by Lauren Tarshis, we learn about young men escaping camps and helping others leave in order to stop Hitler. And last but not least in the article, “Betrayed By America” by Kristin Lewis, multiple families …show more content…
The Holocaust was a miserable event that we want to prevent from happening again in the future.
In the two historical fiction novels, written by Jane Yolen and John Boyne, the authors use interesting styles of writing to get the point of the book across to the reader. The common technique that can be found in both pieces of writing is character relationships. According to the novel, The Devil’s Arithmetic page 7, it states, “...Aunt Eva was her favorite aunt, the only one who preferred her over Aaron.” The relationship between Aunt Eva and Hannah is important because you can really see the difference in it when the main character travels back in time. In the beginning of the book readers can see the connection between them and at the camps you notice a spark between Hannah and “Rivka”. Without her aunt’s love and care, Hannah wouldn’t have the courage to do what she did at the camps, such as saving lives. If Hannah didn’t learn to appreciate her religion from her aunt and her past, it wouldn’t have led to the theme of the novel. In the book, The Boy In The Striped Pajamas, page 213, it says, “ ‘You’re my best friend, Shmuel,’ he said, ‘My best friend for life’.” The connection
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The common strategy shared between both articles is, good word choice. According to the first article from Scholastic Scope Magazine, “Betrayed By America” page 6, it states, “.....gruesome…..” Although it is only one word, it makes the reader more interested in that sentence, therefore learning more about this topic. It also shows how professional this writing piece is and that readers can trust the information. For kids who don’t like to read, it helps them understand and digest what is being put in front of them. According to the second article from Scholastic Scope magazine, Teens Against Hitler page 7, it says, “Armed police herded hundreds of Jews…” The more mature words add another dimension to story and makes them pay more attention to the main idea. It allows the reader to picture the horror and understand what it was like, as much as possible. However, there is more than just similar techniques in these articles. According to the story “Betrayed By America” from the Scholastic Scope Magazine page 8, it states, “Rage at the Nazi’s burned inside Ben.” In this sentence it has a piece of personification to not tell the reader what happened, but to show them. Rage can’t necessarily burn inside someone, however it truly lets the reader know that this young men will never forgive the people who treated them like garbage; like
When one looks through the history of the last century, many great atrocities can come to mind. However, the one that is the most common is that of the Holocaust during World War II. People often wonder how something like this could have been allowed to happen. These same people wonder this without realizing that something similar has happened, right within their own shores. Not only this, but they do not realize how previously close we could become to having this happen again.
Today, people are not educated about these genocides that occurred almost a century ago and they are being forgotten. In Illinois, there is someone running for Congress who does not believe in the Holocaust. His name is Arthur Jones and he describes the Holocaust as “the biggest, blackest lie in history” (Wang). Humanity needs to stand up and be active in politics to make sure that these people do not rise in popularity or else humanity we will have another genocide upon it. Today, humanity has several other genocides occurring in the world today and it is sad that the in the modern age, humans cannot prevent these horrible massacres from happening. Humanity need to stop talking about what could happen and what should happen to prevent these mass killings of entire populations and we need to get up and act upon these crimes against
The Devil’s Arithmetic is gripping book that grabs hold of you and doesn’t let go. It is a book to helps children of this generation remember the horror the Nazis caused. It is important for us to remember the past. We should always try to remember. This book is to remember the chilling tale furthermore.
The book Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler’s Shadow (Hitler Youth) will teach readers so much they probably didn’t know about the holocaust. It is filled with so many interesting facts and the descriptions are so detailed that they will make the reader feel like they’re there. This is a great
The Holocaust was part of the most horrific scene in world history. Both Yolen and Fischl have a deep perspective about WWII. Although they’re both talking about the tortuous war and have the same purpose to remember and respect the millions who lost their lives to the devil himself. They explain their purpose with completely different tones, and use writer tools in distinct ways. In The Devil's Arithmetic, Yolen goes deep by using knowledge and help from witnesses from the death defying time, but what sets Yolen's story apart from others is her rich vocabulary and strong facts. On the other hand, in “ The Little Polish Boy,” Fischl sets his tone and writer tools differently by, using repetition, multiple times and capitalizing specific
In the two different writings By Yolen and Fischel both of them try to tell the same paraphernalia. In Yolen’s novel The Devil's Arithmetic she is trying to persuade the read to aid the slowly dying Jews. In the poem To the Little Polish boy with his Arms Up By Fischel, he is trying to make us feel shame and guilt that we never acted to help. They are getting us to see what is happening around the world. In this essay, I will tell you the differents ways both of these writings are trying to say the same purpose.
As mentioned before, graphic novels can be great tools for some, if not all, readers. As well the holocausts can be a difficult subject, not always easy to read about. Using graphic novels, which often is associated with children, to represent a traumatic event can be problematic: “The enormity of atrocity is such that the very act of representing it risked trivializing or over-dramatizing it,”(2). In other words, the author has to be very cautions when writing serious graphic novels not to get too creative
As people, we need to stop bad situations such as the Holocaust so they don't repeat and so more people don't get hurt and even lose their lives from
The Devil’s Arithmetic teaches us countless lessons throughout both forms of publishing. Each form however has a different lesson and develops them in different ways. The book differentiates from the movie in numerous ways. In both the book and the movie there are many similarities, but there is still diversity. Each form of media develops their individual themes differently because that makes it more apparent for the viewers to understand and absorb.
For the past 300 years, the world’s society has displayed lots of unbelievable human cruelty. For example, slavery in the 18th and 19th century, African Americans were forced into harsh work labor because of their skin color. Then in the 20th century, a determined dictator, Adolf Hitler, murdered and tortured eleven million lives. This horrifying event was called the Holocaust, it occurred in 1933 but ended in 1945. Adolf Hitler was angered about the result of World War 1, so he blamed Jewish people, the disabled, and other groups. During the holocaust, the eleven million lives were forced into harsh work labors or was put into gas chambers and was killed instantly. People described the Holocaust as inhumane act, and the people that survived it, could really say it was a scarring memory.
The Holocaust was a bad event from our history that leaves scars all over on humanity due to the results of so much loss. The Holocaust should be acknowledged so we can learn from our mistakes and analyze what we can do differently to prevent this from happening again. One thing we can teach kids today is to collect more knowledge by getting opinions of others, and trying to get different perspectives on things before acting on just your opinion. One great example that we need to take a look at is the people. The people of Germany. Well, was he right? Did they think he was right? A lot of people did for they let him reign over them and let him move forward with the plans. The people that followed him had a biased opinion about the topic of the Jews because of Hitler. People can be wrong sometimes. Even if you think they are right about everything, they aren’t. But the people
In the book and the movie Hannah is transported to the 1940´s and sent to a concentration camp to learn what it was like to be a jew back in the 1940´s. In the book and the movie she has to go through grueling labor to survive the camps horrors. In both the stories she is faced with sickness and starvation as she fights for her survival. She has help from her friend Rivka to help her sanity and starvation. But as a tragic ending for both the film and the movie Hannah/Chaya dies due to the gas
Imagine yourself being born as a Jew in the time of the Holocaust. Being forced to go into hiding, and go every day not knowing what will come next, living in fear of being captured by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp. The Holocaust was a time in period when a guy named Adolf Hitler came into power of being the leader of the Nazis. The Nazis rounded and relocated nearly 1 million Jews from all across Europe to forced labor camps and extermination camps. There were different ways they got rid of the Jews. A quarter of the Jews were worked to death. The rest were sent immediately to gas chambers to be killed. Literature helps us remember and honor the victims of the Holocaust by reading and seeing all the suffering they went through.
The tragic events that occurred during world war two and the holocaust were not only horrific but also morally wrong. The Jewish culture was targeted for mass genocide, by the hand of a mad-man bent on world domination, and the only way to prevent another incident like this from happening again, is to thoroughly educate the public. The actions and events that Hitler and his followers proposed not only helped the world realize the extent of his destruction but also how horrible it would be if the events were to happen again. The aftermath of the war and holocaust left half of Europe in ruins, and more than six million Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, and Africans dead, not including
The Holocaust just didn’t effect the Jews it affected others and future generations. There are many lessons that we can learn from the Holocaust and how we can stop them from happening again. Some of these lessons are to be able to prevent these events, protect them in case they occur and to remember the event.