
Persuasive Essay On Smoking

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All 3 Reasons: Drifting tobacco smoke can trigger asthma attacks, bronchial infections, and other serious health problems in nonsmokers. For the 100 million Americans who have asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic sinusitis, emphysema, or other breathing related conditions, it makes them especially susceptible to secondhand tobacco smoke.
Even for people without these breathing conditions, breathing drifting tobacco smoke for even brief periods can be deadly. For example, the Centers for Disease Control's [CDC] warned that breathing drifting tobacco smoke for as little as 30 minutes can raise a non smoker’s risk of suffering a fatal heart attack to that of a smoker.
Cigarette butts discarded by smokers constitute the overwhelming majority of litter on beaches, as well as in many other public places like parks, playgrounds, and sidewalks.
Smoking bans have been shown to substantially reduce the litter and therefore the costs of cleaning up beaches and other outdoor areas, as well as to improve the overall appearance and attractiveness of the area.
Discarded cigarettes – designed to continue to burn for several minutes when dropped and not puffed upon – are a major fire hazard, threatening surrounding outdoor public areas.
Young children playing in the sand at a beach or in playground sandbox may be tempted to put cigarette butts – which contain concentrated amounts of carcinogens and

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