
Persuasive Essay On Sexism

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“Sexism is the foundation on which all tyranny is built. Every social form of hierarchy and abuse is modeled on male-over- female domination”(Dworkin). Do we truly understand what it is to be sexist? Is it for the reason that of sexism or is it for the reason that we live in a male dominated society . A man only told me that if you speak a different language you are not American and they are forcing their language on us; but are we not doing the same configuration for women? Society wants us to wear one configuration, our schools, ours jobs another, is it right that we cannot be comfort in our own skin but guy can. Does that make it right? The fact the school's want us to fill the role of our gender, so we can not experience not to support the other gender need uttermostsports or in the office. If we judge women are we not judging ourselves? Some people think the schools code does not show sexism. As the world accepts more women's rights, why are schools accomplishing mores rules about how women be forced to dress? What is sexism. What is the actual meaning if sexism. What is the double standard how it affects our daily lives and what we will do in the future of our jobs. The meaning of sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on sex(Merriam-Webster). Is that the world we want our children to grow up in. for a society that use double standard and sexism so they can make more money, for the reason that they from us to do what they want . Meaning of double standard is a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another(Merriam-Webster).We noticed a thread in these discussions: women speaking out about clothing and appearance, and school dress codes in particular. Especially the notion that dress codes are discriminatory toward women and girls.On Twitter, users suggested that some of the rules that dictate what students can wear unfairly forced girls to cover up while making few, if any, restrictions for boys(Summer) Illinois schools are doing nothing but supporting this sexism and male dominated society. Is that what the United States comes to sexism to child that are not even out of middle schools. It is different if it was a

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