
Persuasive Essay On Secondhand Smoke

Decent Essays

Introduction The federal government should pass a nationwide smoking ban from all indoor facilities. There are many controversial statements out there, but indoor smoking should not be one of them. There are many lives being affected by people smoking in public facilities. As this puts others at risk for severe health problems.
Main Point #1 Many may ask what secondhand smoke is. Or many may ask is it harmful? Some may think, just because I don’t actually smoke cigarettes then it can’t be dangerous. This is where people need to be informed on just exactly what secondhand smoke is. According to the CDC website “Secondhand smoke comes from tobacco smoke such as cigarettes, and there are over 4,000 chemicals in them while over 250 are the ones that they actually know that can cause deadly diseases.” The CDC website also states how many deaths are caused form secondhand exposure in the U.S every year, and that is around 34,000. To think a lot of these deaths could have been prevented with the help of a …show more content…

According to the CDC website “Tobacco smoke contains a deadly mix of more than 7,000 chemicals; hundreds are toxic, and about 70 can cause cancer. To think this is what people are actually taking into their bodies. On another note all of the people that are taking this into their bodies by secondhand smoke without a choice. Smoking also has an effect as narrowing blood vessels added strain to your heart, as well as harming almost every organ in the human body. Why should someone that doesn’t want to be around smoking have to be exposed to it? What about the children? Being exposed to secondhand smoke increases their risk for SIDS, chronic cough, asthma attacks, respiratory and ear infections. Their bodies are still developing at such a young age, and to think of their bodies being harmed at such a crucial growing stage. This is very unfair, as they have no say so in the

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