
Persuasive Essay On Pitbulls

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Dogs come in just about every size and shape you can imagine. There are fluffy ones, sleek ones, fast ones, heavy ones, long ones, short ones, and everything in between. But with each breed comes a different public view of how “safe” or “aggressive” that dog may be. Each breed of dog has a unique history, and with that, a reputation. For example, when you think of the corgi, you might think of the Queen of England, who famously has many such dogs. But unfortunately, sometimes a breed’s reputation does it more damage than good. An example of this situation is the pitbull. Should pitbulls be considered aggressive and dangerous breeds? I do not think that they should.In recent years, most people will not allow their children to play with pitbulls. …show more content…

One valid reason that pitbulls are not dangerous is thataggressionin dogs is based on how theyare raised, trained, and handled on a day-to-day basis.Any dog, regardless of breed, can become dangerous or extremely aggressiveif treated poorly. Abused animals become defensive and mistrusting of humans. This can lead to attacks if the dog feels threatened by the presence of a person. The dog would lash out to protect itself, which is understandable if it has learned that humans mean danger through a life of mistreatment.A man could train his great dane to attack a personwho entered hisproperty just as easily as he could train a pitbull, with the same results.If a dog is raised properly, and shown love and affection and socialized from a young age,they can be good, loyal companionsand great pets. Thisfact does not apply to only certain breeds of dogs, but all dogs in general.The media overplays the “danger”of bullybreeds. In a study conducted bythe Canine Research Council, the local media was monitored on how many articleswere put out based on four dog bite-related

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