Dogs come in just about every size and shape you can imagine. There are fluffy ones, sleek ones, fast ones, heavy ones, long ones, short ones, and everything in between. But with each breed comes a different public view of how “safe” or “aggressive” that dog may be. Each breed of dog has a unique history, and with that, a reputation. For example, when you think of the corgi, you might think of the Queen of England, who famously has many such dogs. But unfortunately, sometimes a breed’s reputation does it more damage than good. An example of this situation is the pitbull. Should pitbulls be considered aggressive and dangerous breeds? I do not think that they should.In recent years, most people will not allow their children to play with pitbulls. …show more content…
One valid reason that pitbulls are not dangerous is thataggressionin dogs is based on how theyare raised, trained, and handled on a day-to-day basis.Any dog, regardless of breed, can become dangerous or extremely aggressiveif treated poorly. Abused animals become defensive and mistrusting of humans. This can lead to attacks if the dog feels threatened by the presence of a person. The dog would lash out to protect itself, which is understandable if it has learned that humans mean danger through a life of mistreatment.A man could train his great dane to attack a personwho entered hisproperty just as easily as he could train a pitbull, with the same results.If a dog is raised properly, and shown love and affection and socialized from a young age,they can be good, loyal companionsand great pets. Thisfact does not apply to only certain breeds of dogs, but all dogs in general.The media overplays the “danger”of bullybreeds. In a study conducted bythe Canine Research Council, the local media was monitored on how many articleswere put out based on four dog bite-related
Pit bulls do not inherit dangerous characteristics, it is the way the owner trains the dog. Every other breed of dogs has bitten a human before. Pit bulls guard people’s houses from burglars and just people in general they guard. Pit bulls are not even in the top five aggressive dogs! The most aggressive breed of dogs is a wiener dog. Pit bulls love adults and children.
We pay attention to the ones that look the most threatening, like Pit Bulls. Pit bulls should not be labeled an aggressive breed because an animal's environment can affect how the act towards other dogs and people, other breeds can have more or the same aggressive level as Pit Bulls, abuse is the main factor in all animal aggression and the way dogs are trained can also affect aggression.
This first fact is something everyone should know, Pit Bulls are not an actual breed of dog! Yes there is a breed called the American Pitbull Terrier, but that is what most people call a ‘Pitbull’, Pit Bull refers to the look of a dog. There is a rumour about the Pit Bull's bite, which stated that they had a bite strength of 1,600 pounds per square inch and was the strongest bite of any dog, and the is not true the Pit Bulls true bite strength is 235 pound per square inch, which is weaker than the German Shepherd and the Rottweiler. Despite having an overly aggressive reputation Pit Bulls don’t make good guard dogs, since they are to trusting of humans and might greet them as a new friend. The Pit Bull is known to be so caring to children that they are called nanny dogs. Pit Bulls have 31% more likelihood to attack an unknown individual. There is thought to be about 2.5 million Pit Bulls in america. In the year 1991, England and Wales banned Pit Bulls. At any given time there is a media scare about a specific breed and before Pit Bulls there was German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, and even Bloodhounds had a media scare. Though Pit Bulls have been around since the 1800’s they only recently began to gain popularity in the 1980’s when there was crack downs on dog fighting rings. The most well known crackdown was in 2007, when Michael Vick’s ring was busted and 51 dogs were seized, of those
Aggressive and/or vicious dogs are beginning to be a serious problem in the United States. With the rise in dog fights Pit Bull Terriers are viewed in a negative light. When the wrong owner gets a Pit Bull and withholds food and teaches the dog to fight it makes a very dangerous dog. Pit bulls are known for their bite strength and fearless personalities. Due to all the negative media, abusive and neglectful pit bull owners; the pit bull terriers are thought of as vicious and unsafe dogs to be around. Pit bull terriers are discriminated against due to a misconception of the breed itself.
Pit bulls have just the same old mouths as every other kind of dog and not even the strongest around. That bigger and wider skulled dogs have stronger bites. (BadRap) That not all pit bulls have big, wide skulls pit bulls come in a huge variety of sizes, especially compared to the world of dogs at large. Another myth is that pit bulls are trained to fight many studies show that the pit bull is very good with other dogs and living with other dogs the best way to make sure with any dog is to socialize the dog with other dogs when it's growing up . some families also have heard that pit bulls are aggressive with children , pit bulls are one of the most protective and loving dogs it just depends on how the dog is treated . pit bulls have been misunderstood for many centuries by myths, by what their bread for and yet there mistreated pit bulls are just like your dogs they just need a
When you mention the words Pit Bull, many times people immediately begin talking about the statistics of them attacking other people as well as other dogs. A survey was conducted in 2009 of attack percentages of Pit Bulls compared to other breeds such as Rottweilers, German Shepherds, and Chows. Among this survey, the Pit Bull breed scored the lowest with a 0.00125 and the highest being the Rottweiler with a score of 0.00433 ( On the website, it states that Pit-Bulls are the leading culprit in dog attacks, this is just a broad statistic which does not adequately explain whether these attacks were of
From the article the media and the pitbull states that “ the media intentionally over-reports incidents involving pitbulls,while keeping silent on attacks committed by dogs with better reputations” There is barely any trust left for pitbulls which was destroyed by the media. Pitbulls don’t have a bad history Back before the civil war, when pitbulls were brought to America by the english
Maryland has laws on both rulings against just Pit Bulls and the concept of ‘dangerous dogs’. First we will focus primarily on Maryland’s law against Pit Bulls. Aaron C. Davis, a reporter for the Washington Post, states that “Maryland’s highest court ruled in March [of 2012] that pit bulls…are more dangerous than other breeds” (Davis). Even the media today is biased against Pit Bulls based on the immensely smaller number of media articles reported on non-Pit Bulls versus Pit Bulls. The ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, shows that a “quantitative study by the National Canine Research Council of dog-bite reportage in a four-day period proves that anti-pit bull bias in the media is more than just a theory—it’s a fact” (ASPCA). Under Maryland law as well, there are specific rulings on what deems a dog as a ‘dangerous dog’. Stated in West’s Annotated Code of Maryland, “‘Dangerous dog’ means a dog that: (i) Without provocation has killed or inflicted severe injury on a person” (West). This could relay onto any breed of dog depending on the situation and environment. Because of the Maryland law on Pit Bulls, many Maryland families are facing distress.
Although pit bulls are known to be dangerous, all dogs can act up at times. Pit bulls are popular dogs, heroes, and can show American pride.
The main reason pit bulls attack is because they are mentally unstable, a mixed breed and show overbearing traits, or because they are mistreated by their owners. The public must understand that the three “pit bull breeds were bred for dog fighting and bear and bull-baiting” (PBRC). On the other hand, they were also kept as “nanny dogs” and used for herding cattle. “Pit bulls are ideal for therapy work because of their pleasant nature” (PBRC). These are three of the most stable breeds known to man. They have a very high temperament test score, 86% as of 2010, a lot higher than most breeds. “The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the top 5 most stable breeds in the country” (PBRC). Anyone can see that this is an excellent breed of dog. There are a few things that people should know though. “Pit bulls have a lower Tolerance to dogs, but with any breed, a dog’s tolerance changes as they mature” (PBRC). “Maturity can come late with pit bull breeds” (Villalobos Rescue Center). The reason for this low tolerance is because of their history of dog fighting. It has been bred into them to have the will to fight. Pit bulls usually do not start a fight most of the time, but they will not back down or give up. Due to this, owners must be cautious and attentive.
First off, Pit bull is not one certain breed but a group of different breeds which includes the American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and lastly the Staffordshire Terrier. So let’s stick to the American Pit Bull as it is the most popular amongst Pit bulls. But no matter which breed I choose the results don’t change, no breed is a bad breed, there are only bad owners. A dog is a representation of its owner and the environment that it is raised in. Pit Bulls are a very common breed when it comes to dog
The only times pit bulls are mentioned in the news is if something bad happens. For example, several news reports stating signs of pit bull attacking but never the good side. The media also mistaken a different type of a breed and the blame goes to a pit bull. Also, reporters are fast to get a story about a pit bull attacking because they know it will sell. “One year old attacked by a pit bull” was a news report presented by CBC. This story just makes the reader think pit bulls are dangerous and not safe to the public society. Just to prove them wrong, pit bull were called “nanny dogs” because they were trustworthy to their owners. Nanny dogs also kept a lookout over the children and their families. Therefore, the media should get the better side of pit bulls so human realize how loyal and trustworthy they really
Pit Bulls are among the top percentage of dog bites across the nation, but it partly due to the misrepresentation. Most handlers just see a similarity to a Pit Bull’s physical appearance and then the dog is classified as such. The media always misrepresents and wrongly accuses Pit Bulls, they are always quick to name the pit bull breed as the attacking dog. The government also does the same thing if a dog has similarities to a Pit Bull, then it is automatically classified as a Pit Bull even if it’s not correct. They don’t care about
Owning a pit bull in today’s day and age has one of two reactions: Either the person loves them or is terrified of them. There are so many myths about Pit Bulls and they are just that. Myths. Some of the myths that surround pit bulls are that they have “lock jaw” and they have a killer instinct that does not stop at just killing other animals. Pit bull advocates, such as myself, know that Pit Bulls have always been known as the “nanny dog” throughout history because of how much they love children and their loyalty to their families. Mean or vicious dogs come from ignorant, irresponsible owners. The bottom line is that not all pit bulls are bad.
Pit bulls are the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world. When people hear the word pit bull they automatically think of dogs fighting and attacking. When people say "pit bull" they're usually referring to a range of breeds and, often, a mixed-breed dog. (Lawrence, C Louisville Magazine Feb 2007) People think they are a very dangerous breed of dog. Because of this, some areas do not allow pit bulls and breeds like them. Pit bulls are the leading culprit of dog bites in America, but on the other hand, they are the gentlest dogs people will ever meet. The National Canine Temperament Testing Association