
Persuasive Essay On Individuality

Decent Essays

Have you ever seen vipers just constrict around their prey, taking away their last hope and breathe? Time and time again the world wants everyone to be seen individuality and yet at the same time they want to see everyone in perfect order. Mankind is a different kind of confusion, they want everyone to be like themselves and yet at the same they want us to look just the same. Always bland and tasteless, nothing to show color, nothing to show the beauty that we show when we are ourselves. Uniforms just another viper that constrict our great individuality, our emotions, our wanting to be seen not just some other person.
Emotions can be shown, and mostly our clothing shows that we want to be seen as flashy, dark, or even hopeful. Although when uniforms come into the equation what does it give us? Nothing. No showing into ones emotion, no show of how that person is feeling. Although yes their face can show a few words is it really enough? No it’s not, Uniforms just show you are just another bland person with minimal to nothing in feeling, and yes we can add accessories but as well, those are limited to bland and nothing that shows real emotion. Someone that wears a uniform can fake a smile, can fake a laugh since they know that with what …show more content…

Well let’s start with this one with there is absolutely none, add a bow that cute but the color will be the same you see throughout the way around the school. Where are the jewels, the great colors, and the fun way to move around and not feel like you are in a box? Go somewhere else that doesn’t have uniform, because you aren’t going to see it here. One can’t tell what styles they have so they don’t know who they can connect with. A bubbly girl social girl going with introverts that don’t like to speak with much people, that isn’t the best way to know who friends will be. It could’ve been avoided if they showed more of who they really

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