
Persuasive Essay On Health Care Reform

Decent Essays

In other countries, universal health care has been proven successful. For decades, our health care system was in dire need of some kind of change because it has been hurdling toward a crisis. Everyone needs to have some kind of health insurance but it was almost impossible because of the prices skyrocketing and wages haven’t changed but maybe a few cents here and there. Even though the health reform will take years to be fully implemented, it has already helped millions of people access the health care that they need. The uninsured are less likely to receive preventive care and are often diagnosed with disease in more advanced stages which result in a higher risk of dying prematurely than individuals with health care insurance. They would probably …show more content…

That combined with the requirement that people have to sign up at a certain time, health insurance becomes very expensive, with the young subsidizing the old. The Federal and State exchanges should offer multiple insurance plans for those who only need to visit the doctor once a year or when a catastrophe happens, for those who want to pay for routine costs out of pocket and insure only against major medical events. Some people are always going to be healthier than the vast majority so they rarely need any medical attention. However, because of the one-size fits all, they have to have all of these unnecessary benefits that they may only need once or twice when accidents and catastrophes occur. People should be able to buy insurance that fits their needs. Some people do not need insurance that covers birth control, mental health coverage, or kids covered until they are 26, they just need the basics. One model is the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, which offers many types of health plans to federal workers. Under the ACA, insurance companies have to take anyone in any open enrollment period, so people can wait until they are sick to sign up. Naturally, it raises premiums. People should get a discount if they sign up when they are young and healthy and keep continuous coverage. If the insurance companies would be allowed to compete over state lines, it would enhance

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