The U.S. should not force arms upon teachers. However, if a teacher decides he or she would like to carry a gun on the school’s property they should be allowed to. When we see a police officer carrying a concealed weapon we do not panic or fret because we grew up being told police officers were around to help us. What differentiates a police officer and teachers; a badge and training. If we allowed teachers who wanted to carry arms, to carry, we should enforce that they undergo the same, “Training program,” that police officers go through, which generally, “lasts around 12 to 14 weeks.”1 The training courses should be offered to teachers during the summer. And only once they finish the training should they be issued a badge and a license to carry their gun on school property. This procedure, and hopefully one day banning Assault Rifles, will ensure that those who may go through with a school shooting, will think twice before following through on his or her plan.
“How to Become a Police Officer - Career Information, Education & Degree Requirements - Peterson's” CollegeQuest, 17 July 2014,
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Within the bill, it states that it will, “Give law enforcement more authority to seize weapons and ammunition from those deemed mentally unfit or otherwise a threat.”1 This bill was looked over by many, even those whose children were killed in the Florida shooting, “Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow, died in the shooting, said the bill may not be perfect, but it's better than nothing, and he urged Scott to sign it.”1 By passing this bill, Florida, which voted republican in this past election,2 is conveying to other states that something must be done about this recurring gun problem. Hopefully, as a result of this bill, other states follow along and pass gun safety bills as
There are people who believe that teachers should have guns inside the classroom because it can be safer for the students in a shooter situation., but should teachers really have guns in the classroom, and could it more dangerous for the children? That is the questions that people are asking ,and are trying to find the answer to,and that is why this reach paper was made. To show the daugous of having guns inside of school. Even with people who may think it would be safe for students. That if the teacher was to be armed and trained on using guns, also if a time did comes when someone was to come in the school with a gun in hand.
The teachers wouldn’t have to be forced. In order for this to be effective, the teachers would have to be determined and feel comfortable with carrying a concealed weapon. Andy Hoffman, a current state trooper for Wyoming Highway Patrol (WHP), states that the average speed for someone who knows how to load a gun actually gets two times slower when they are under pressure or in a crisis situation. This proves that the teachers would have to be prepared and ready in this situation. Hoffman also strongly believes that teachers should have to go through a certain program to get proper and realistic training before they can carry in a school, so they know what it would actually be like in the event where someone is trying to harm others. With training, determination, and preparedness, teachers being allowed to carry in schools could be very successful in saving the lives of
How would you feel knowing that a responsible adult you trusted was able to conceal carry on your home campus? Personally, I would feel safe, but I would feel much safer being able to carry that gun and protect myself at any moment needed. Gun laws are the cause of much of the violent crime in the United States and need to be changed in order to make it easier for Americans to purchase handguns, carry them as concealed weapons and protect themselves.
What makes gun control reform even more difficult is that many Democrats themselves can’t support gun control without risking their seats. Many representatives or senators come from districts and states that vote Democrat for different reasons, such as union strength in the Midwest or rising immigration numbers in the Southwest. However, states like Wisconsin, Florida, or New Mexico also are strong supporters of guns, putting Democratic lawmakers in a precarious position (Scher 2017). This split in the party makes it nigh on impossible for bills to get anywhere. Indeed we saw this to be true after the Sandy Hook shooting. Senator Dianne Feinstein has been a passionate advocate for gun control nearly her entire tenure as a Senator, becoming one of the leading Democratic senators in the push for gun control (Friedman 2013). Feinstein represents a state where gun control measures such as assault weapons bans are extremely popular (California), so there is no constituent fear from her to back off gun control (Wheaton 2017). After the Sandy Hook shooting, Senator Feinstein introduced a new Assault Weapons bill to replace the previous one which had expired in 2004. It made the sale, manufacture, or transfer of 150 semi-automatic weapons illegal, which had features like magazine releases and thumbhole stocks, restricted large capacity magazines, and used a one feature test to determine whether or not a gun was an assault weapon (Feinstien 2013). Democratic majority leader Harry
"We are dealing with the largest mass shooting in our state's history," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (Tegna) On a peaceful November morning during a “Sunday service at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.” (Grinberg) A young man across the street from the church “was dressed in black "tactical-type gear" and wearing a ballistic vest he crossed the street in his car, got out and began firing he entered the church and continued shooting.”(Grinberg) During this time “a man who lives next door to the church grabbed his own rifle and engaged the suspect, The gunman dropped his "Ruger AR assault-type rifle" and fled. The neighbor chased after the gunman, police said. The chase ended when the shooter crashed his car about eight miles from
Then They Spoke to Lawmakers.” Talks about a possible ban on the sale of military-style firearms like the AR-15, the same gun used to kill 17 students at Stoneman Douglas High school. Now some may believe that take taking guns away is unfair and it will only make the problem worse. But only taking some guns away will still benefit the doubt of when someone thinks to go shoot up a school next. And yes, next time, because unless we do something soon, it might be our school next and who knows, maybe 18,19, or even 100 students get killed, but what if we could stop it or prevent it from happening again, the government must allow teacher and staff to have access to guns at school to protect themselves and their
“The boundaries of the Second Amendment do not coincide with the boundaries of gun control” (Blocher and Miller, 2016, p.296). Guns and the idea of gun control have been a high valued topic, between the Federal Government and state governments since the beginning of the 20th century. How strictly guns should be regulated is a common topic between the Federal Government and state governments, especially with the increase in mass shootings over the years. Although there are regulations set by the Federal Government, most of the time, it falls on state governments to mandate guns because it is easier for each state to determine what is best for it and the people that live there. State governments are more closely related to the people in
The need and want for gun control has been a big issue that has constantly been brought up do to the recent massacre in early October. On October 1st, 2017 at the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada a gunman named Stephen Paddock, opened fire on a crowd of concert goers at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival and ended up killing 58 people including himself and injuring over 500 more people. This has been the deadliest mass shooting In the United States in all of history. Due to the amount of damage that was done by one man and over 20 guns people are looking for gun control laws to be put into effect in hopes of preventing crimes like this from happening in the United States again.
It is only April 16th in the year. Only about 16 weeks have passed, and there has already been more than a dozen school shootings. Innumerable of innocent children, fearing for their life and sadly, many of those kids were killed. Now think about it, it could be anyone. Any person could easily purchase a deadly gun, because the current gun control laws are inefficient. A change needs to happen now. Not only for the safety of students at schools, but for the safety of everyone in the United States. The current gun laws are extremely flawed, resulting in more gun violence and deaths, and these laws need to be reformed.
The second amendment states that we have the right to keep and bear arms. We are one of the few countries that continue to allow and accept this as a right. This is a right that many Americans safely practice, however, it's also a right that some Americans have taken advantage of. Every year, there are hundreds of mass shootings in America, killing a number of innocent people. Change is necessary in order for us to feel safer in our own country.
t home, there are still many challenges, many of which reside in the mindset of Americans and the protections of the Constitution. An example of this is gun control. While American’s have a right to own a gun, does that include military/police grade weapons? Who can have access to guns? Is that a restriction of the 2nd amendment? These are all questions we must ask ourselves today. I believe that In America, while you have the right to bear arms it must be taken in the context of the time it was written. The second amendment reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The founders intended that the 2nd amendment was not for
If someone comes into your school with malicious intent, would you rather have a classroom chair for protection, or a gun? Some states seemed to think so. After the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, five states gave school administrators the authority to arm their teachers.
“It’s my goal that this will never happen again in my state,” Scott said. It’s been many times that an elected official has stepped in and said that they would make a change but yet the same thing keeps occurring. There has already been approximately 18 school shootings that have occurred since the New Year has started, this will only increase as the year goes on if a change doesn’t occur. People against gun laws always use the same excuses. The Second Amendment, personal protection, recreational use, fear of a police state, and a general call for freedom. There is a false interpretation of the second amendment that is being used to prevent government from protecting a very basic right which is the right to life. People often abuse the meaning of the Second Amendment the amendment is not telling you that you are able to carry a weapon on you whatsoever and it’s not telling you that you can use it as you please. It’s only telling you that you have a right to bear arms. Often people don’t truly know the meaning of it they just use it simply because they know that it allows a right to bear
One hundred seventy, that is a big number, especially when talking about shootings on school grounds that happened since the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting(Lott). Now reduce that number to 12, that is the number of potential mass shootings that could've happened that were stopped by guns(Roosevelt). Guns don't shoot people. People shoot people. Teachers, staff, and security must be allowed to carry guns on school grounds in order to prevent mass school shootings. Overall individuals within a public school should have the opportunity to be armed in order to protect themselves and others.
Allowing guns on campus would likely lead to more campus homicides and suicides. Young adults between the ages of 18-25 experience the highest rate of serious mental illness. Between 9% and 11% of college students seriously considered suicide in the previous school year, and about 1,100 college students commit suicide each year. When a gun enters this mix, a suicide attempt becomes considerably more lethal, as 85% of gun suicide attempts are fatal. For these probable occurrences, I say the campuses directors or even the government shouldn’t allow guns because it could lead to various injuries and deaths.