
Persuasive Essay On Guns In Schools

Decent Essays

The U.S. should not force arms upon teachers. However, if a teacher decides he or she would like to carry a gun on the school’s property they should be allowed to. When we see a police officer carrying a concealed weapon we do not panic or fret because we grew up being told police officers were around to help us. What differentiates a police officer and teachers; a badge and training. If we allowed teachers who wanted to carry arms, to carry, we should enforce that they undergo the same, “Training program,” that police officers go through, which generally, “lasts around 12 to 14 weeks.”1 The training courses should be offered to teachers during the summer. And only once they finish the training should they be issued a badge and a license to carry their gun on school property. This procedure, and hopefully one day banning Assault Rifles, will ensure that those who may go through with a school shooting, will think twice before following through on his or her plan.

“How to Become a Police Officer - Career Information, Education & Degree Requirements - Peterson's” CollegeQuest, 17 July 2014, …show more content…

Within the bill, it states that it will, “Give law enforcement more authority to seize weapons and ammunition from those deemed mentally unfit or otherwise a threat.”1 This bill was looked over by many, even those whose children were killed in the Florida shooting, “Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow, died in the shooting, said the bill may not be perfect, but it's better than nothing, and he urged Scott to sign it.”1 By passing this bill, Florida, which voted republican in this past election,2 is conveying to other states that something must be done about this recurring gun problem. Hopefully, as a result of this bill, other states follow along and pass gun safety bills as

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