
Persuasive Essay On Gun Shootings

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n July 18, 1984, eight-month Carlos Reyes and his mother, Jackie, was killed by an unemployed father. Along with Carlos, 21 innocent people were killed at the McDonald’s located in San Ysidro, California. Carlos is the youngest victim to gun violence till this date. His death is the result of the killer having easy access to a semiautomatic pistol and a shotgun (Berkowitz et al, 2017). Ryan Frazier, the 21-year old husband of Emily Frazier, shot himself with a semiautomatic gun he bought from a gas station in November 2008 after confronting his teenage nightmare for a lawsuit. He was molested by a priest and his first time using a gun was to end his own life, despite having a whole future ahead of him (Drexle, 2016). Carlos and Ryan are one of the many few that lose their lives from guns. They represent the stories of victims who have died after the trigger was pulled. With guns being readily available, everyone has the licenses to kill at any point in time, whether the pain is inflicted on others or themselves. Imagine if these were stories of your own family members or friends. According to our Founding Fathers, our second amendment should not be infringed and that people have the rights to keep and bear arms. However, because the United States is the number one country with mass shootings and suicide is the number one cause of gun deaths, it is necessary for our second amendment to be infringed and regulated in order to stop more people from losing their lives. Pro-gun

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