
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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The modern world is and extremely diverse place. Together with the process of globalization, the society has met the increasing amount of problems in social, economic, political and cultural aspects, which appeared to be the other side of all the benefits of the mentioned process. First of all, the globalization has led to the standardization assimilation of cultures as well as trends in lawmaking and juridical processes. First of all, it could be notable in the activity of international organizations, which recommend the countries to proceed with some legal initiatives, which would be beneficial for the world. However, there are still some issues, which can not be solved either on the international or the national level. One of the most notable problems, which was described above is the question of gun usage for individuals. The thoughts about this option are diverse in the society. Some people claim that free access to guns is the key to democracy and total freedom and would decrease the number of committed crimes drastically. At the same time, their opponents state that if people have access to guns, the world will become a total disaster with blood and violence all around the street. There are also less radical thoughts about the issue. To understand all the aspects of the problem and define whether the freedom of gun usage is appropriate it is necessary to conduct research on this topic. The decision to write about the gun control issue is not random. The main reason for choosing this topic was my interest in the issue. In my life, there was an experience of witnessing the gunshots and armed conflict of people on the street. The results of it were awful. There were some injured victims, while some of them were not even participating in the argument and just appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time. This event creates a long chain of thoughts in the head, which led to the conclusion of conducting the research about the issue of gun control, which would help to form the sound and exact position on the observed problem. It is evident that the research about the gun control should be conducted because of the huge relevancy of the topic for the modern world. However, it would not be proper without

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