Data mining and analysis has become a crucial part of modern business strategy, as many companies use such tactics to maximize their success. In fact, the most successful companies such as Amazon, Nordstrom, Target, Walmart, etc., thrive on analyzing customers’ purchasing behavior in order to deliver more targeted marketing. Data mining is the practice of analyzing data, such as purchasing behavior, customer demographic, customer needs and wants, transaction history, and banking habits in order to find patterns that are useful to business strategies and company success. As customers started to become aware that companies were analyzing their information, questions about the morality of data mining arose. Should companies be able to data mine and analyze personal information to increase their success? Should this right to data mine extend to the government as well? Essentially, this is a question that roots back to the never-ending controversy of the right to privacy. In simpler terms, it is a question that explores whether companies and the government should be able gather, store, and analyze personal, and sometimes private information. I believe companies should be able to use data mining because it helps companies become more successful and benefits customers, but this right should not be extended to the government as it intrudes upon the right to privacy.
Data mining is a very useful business strategy that allows companies to improve their business model and overall
Data mining uses computer-based technology to evaluate data in a database and identify different trends. Effective data mining helps researchers predict economic trends and pinpoint sales prospects. Data mining is stored in data warehouses, which are sophisticated customer databases that allow managers to combine data from several different organization functions.
Schools have been using the same learning techniques for a long time. Since technology has been evolving, there are changes that have made schooling harder, and some changes that have made schooling easier. For example, instead of using paper and pencil students now have iPads and their own laptops to do their school work on. Are these more advanced changes for the better, and make learning more convenient, or are they unfavorable and make schooling complicated and more problematic? Most examples lead to the conclusion that laptops are more convenient. for the reason, that they make school work easier and generate easy access to sites for research.
As stated above, data mining is often used to solve business decision problems, “it provides ways to quantitatively measure what business users should already know qualitatively” (Linoff, 2004). A growing number of industries are using data mining to become more competitive in their market by primarily focusing on the customers; increasing their customer relationships and increasing customer acquisition.
How far is too far when it comes to privacy? In a rapidly developing digital age, the boundaries are constantly expanding as new technology emerges. Data mining is not going away, so the debate on privacy becomes increasingly relevant. The line between what is ethical and unethical quickly become blurred, and certain entities are bound to take advantage of that gray area. Corporations claim they are collecting private data for marketing research to serve more relevant advertising and increase profits. Despite the marketing benefits of digital data collection, it is unethical for corporations to collect private digital data without taking proper measures to protect privacy.
The government collects all kinds of useful information about our population. How many people live where, incomes, family sizes, ages, do they rent or own a home, and lots more demographic data that is free for the asking. Modern computer programs make possible for any company to take the masses of demographics and analysis segment populations. This has propelled data mining to the forefront of making customers relationships profitable (Ogwueleka, 2009). This will help Swan understand his customers better and find association between each segment. Customer have life cycle due in part to the time of year, so Swan can now structure his advertising and see results based on a better segment model rather than just counting customers. Data mining can also be used in customer retention applications identifying
As explained by (Sharda, Delen, & Turban, 2013), Data Mining “is a term used to describe discovering or mining knowledge from large amounts of data”. Another interesting definition of data mining is “it is the use of the data from the warehouse to discover unpredictable patterns, trends and threats” (Kim, Lin, & Wang, ). Suite Spot has a distinct advantage over its competition, which is the massive amounts of data that we collect about our customers, i.e. people staying in Suite Spot hotels. If we can mine the data, understand customer behavior and then cater to their needs, Suite Spot can develop a competitive advantage over its competition, thereby improving the loyalty of our customers. A simple example of using data mining to turn raw data into information is shown below.
Madam Glowden gestured me back into the house. I walked with her and Asha followed. She stopped him, asking him to wait outside the house. He paced up and down on the icy dried grass. His knuckles whitened as he repeatedly opened and folded his fists. She closed the door behind her. She sat with me and started.
(often information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both). Data mining presents various benefits and downsides, and they are as follows;”
Our minds are wired to always protect ourselves all the time so when we get trapped up in something, we are quick to defend ourselves or give excuses for what we did or didn’t do. We all do wrong because we are humans and we will always judge others or things because they are not in our favor. However, the problem lies in judging others who do not support us or our decisions or beliefs. My mother always had this African saying “do no try to remove a stick from another person’s eye when u have one in your own eye.” And growing up, I realized all she meant was we can’t always recognize someone else’s misdeeds but if we did the same thing it will be “okay.” I will bet that for so many of us, we spend our time in a state of self-delusion trying to justify our good and bad actions. When we are wrong or do something that is wrong, we will do anything to not acknowledge that maybe what we did was our fault “deceit encompasses the self, others, the family and even international relations” (Jahme). For example, you are tired at work and your level of efficiency seriously drops. Your boss complains to you about it and you go grumbling about it but not realizing that it was your fault that you did not get enough rest at night because you were watching tv so instead of making sure you get enough rest to help not to be tired at work, you stay sleeping late and trying to chug some coffee before you get to work only to be found sleeping at your desk. Catching ourselves before we get
Recently, the "every 28 hours” has become a rallying cry of the Black Lives Matter movement and other related campaigns. But what exactly do these groups claim to happen every 28 hours?
Imagine walking down the street wearing cargo shorts, knee length socks, suspenders, a backwards cap and crocs on your feet. Would people grant you higher status and competence for being a unique individual or would people stare in disgust? So is being an individual truly frowned upon in this society? Well unfortunately it is. Sadly it appears to be human nature for so many of us to look down on someone for being different or thinking in a different manner.
The different viewpoints and beliefs that people have weighs on the purpose of standing or kneeling during the pledge, which has led to a lot of controversy from the press, president, national league players, and people of small communities. I agree with the concept of taking a knee, because the main purpose of players taking a knee is to get the media’s attention to express the effect of police brutality on communities in America. In today’s society communities are focused upon the less important things in life, people are being murdered by police and there’s no action being taken to stop it, but when someone kneels to show respect a huge social media uproar starts.
High school are the memorable years before adulthood, they are the years to experiment, stress over nothing, and just in general find yourself. But with each year that passes by you learn new lessons, new morals which helps you get one step closer to finding you. As cliche as that might sound it is our reality.
To many people I’m always smiling, bringing people in. I welcome everyone into my life. Yet, I get betrayed and pressured into wrong things. Useless opinions cloud me like what people think the color of my room should be, the friends I choose, the places I go. This might be why I’m always in my pink rosy room, wasting away the days I should be happy but, I can’t smile forever, right? There is this girl named tiffany. We played every weekend. We played barbies all night. But then one day she left me. Completely. I miss her. I think that I can never be happy again like how I was with her.
Suddenly the unforgettable “Jaws” music plays in my mind, like a broken record on repeat. Cue the monstrous "Jaws" that broke the box office in the summer of 1975. With the mock-up of a twenty five foot shark, this brilliant movie caused watchers everywhere to considerably rethink their summer destination spot. Every summer, I at least watch this horror film with my family during the quaint summer party that we have at the beginning of each summer break, but you could probably catch me watching it the night before vacation. In the summer of 2016, my family and I had decided that the perfect, relaxing vacation would be in Topsail Island, North Carolina where we could sit by the waves or swim in the canals. I had always been a little scared of sharks and their pointy teeth, but the thought of seeing one in open water causes chills across my skin because sharks are known for prowling and harming anything in their vicinity.