
Persuasive Essay On Child Abuse

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Every year, the tragedy of child abuse shakes communities all over the United States, sometimes even resulting in death. This is a crime which is considered particularly heinous due to children having little ability to defend themselves, if any at all, and a lack of understanding that they are being mistreated. In such incidents, it is common for the residents to feel disturbed and distressed, wishing that they had been able to offer help, or wondering what they could have done to prevent such an occurrence from happening. Of course, a proper investigation as well as knowledge surrounding the topic of abuse will promote awareness which could later save children’s lives everywhere. It is also important to understand the reasons that child abuse may happen, although it is never justified. To name a few examples, it could easily happen when a child frequently stresses the parent or guardian, when the parent is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or because of learned behavior from a parent who was also abused during childhood themselves. (Lyman p. 230) Abuse in such circumstances, however, is not so broadly defined, as it may either be “acute,” indicating a random act of abuse against the child, or it could be “chronic,” which instead indicates that the abuse has been ongoing for some time. (Lyman p. 231) Additionally, it could differ between a child being viciously beaten or sexually assaulted, both equally awful. Regardless of the reason for abuse or the specific type,

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