
Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

Decent Essays

Brittany Thorne
Animals In Laboratories For Testing
Would you want to be tortured and remain miserable all so somebody could test on you? Animal testing is continuing to be a major issue happening all around us. We need to raise awareness for these animals. To the animals we are their only hope. This ongoing issue is a topic we need to become more informed about, as its very important. Animals are treated as objects instead of living creatures. The testing includes about 80% of these experiments are used for research and drug development. The u.s. law allows animals to be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, drowned, addicted to drugs, and brain damaged. The way they go about the testing needs to be changed. There needs to be alternatives without the harm of animals or any living creature. Testing on animals can be an acceptation, but its about the way they treat them to do these tests.
When we decide to experiment on these animals, we are not getting accurate results. Not only is this unreliable but its unethical. The labs think conducting these tests helps people, but …show more content…

There is a new alternative for testing on animals. The system includes using human cells and tissues known as “vitro” methods. The technique uses an advanced computer modeling, and studies with human volunteers. This takes less time and money to conduct. Volunteers are given an extremely small one time drug dose, and uses imaging techniques to monitor how the drug is working in the body. Macrodosing replaces certain tests and helps screen out drug compounds that do not work on humans. This is so they wont needlessly advance to government required testing. The drugs for humans would be safer than they are now if the animal testing was eliminated. Studies have shown testing has only worked for humans through animal testing about 5-25 percent of the time. Yes it helps, but we shouldn’t be staying focused on a method that only works less than half of the

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