
Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

Decent Essays

Animal testing, and experimentation on monkeys has been going on for several decades, since the first primate lab was set up in 1940’s. It has always been a contentious issue, however the problem of animal experimentation really became prominent when animal and monkey testing reached a peak during the 1980’s, and evidence was released of animals be mistreated. It was revealed that experiments were being conducted where monkeys were given drugs that could potentially cause pain, but were not being anaesthetised, for fear it would ‘interfere’ with the results of the testing. This was around the time when the ‘Animal Rights Movement’ started to build momentum, and the rights of animals were discussed and debated on a regular basis. It was this that sparked the argument on whether animal testing was morally right, and if it was ethical to perform such experiments on monkeys, and animals in general. Since then, the line between what is morally right when it comes to animals and primates in particular has become further blurred.
Scientists are one of the biggest supporters for the use …show more content…

It goes by many different names, but whether it be called animal experimentation, animal research, or animal testing, it means the same thing. Animal testing is the use of animals as test subjects for scientific or cosmetic experiments. Primates are often used for scientific experiments because of their incredibly similar DNA to humans. They can be subjected to a number of invasive procedures, including dissection, as well as observation of behaviour patterns and habits. Many of these experiments can cause pain or distress to the animals, and many do not survive the brutal tests conducted. However, many medical and scientific breakthroughs have come as a result of this experimental process, and so it poses the question, should primates be used for

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