
Persuasive Essay On Animal Cruelty

Decent Essays

An issue that has been debated for a very long time has been animal cruelty. It exists in different forms, whether it be the fur of animals being used for high-end fashion products, different parts of animals being used for rare expensive cuisine, experimenting on animals for psychologic or medical testing or having them fight each other for entertainment. In order to address this issue, I have decided to make a series of advertisements showcasing some of these examples of animal cruelty in a more lighthearted manner. In order to balance the lightheartedness and seriousness, I think doing it live action with real actors would be more ideal than animations. Not only can viewers relate to other human beings, they can also feel more empathetic …show more content…

Advertisements are everywhere today, and with people today having short-attention span, I believe making it concise will be effective. People will see situations where animal cruelty is happening in the background (in this case it’s medical testing, rare expensive cuisine, and fur jackets) and immediately transitions to a form of animal cruelty, followed by the slogan “Animal Cruelty – it kinda sucks” with information underneath for more information alongside with some related statistics. Video advertisements excel in delivering a lot of information in a short amount of time, and in this case, I fully take advantage of it by minimizing the amount of text for the audience to take their time to comprehend and showed them something that can be relatable to them. By showing the animals right after, I am hoping that I can make them feel pity and be empathetic enough to take action. While this form of text does not allow me to bombard my audience with a lot of information, I give them the decision whether to find out more or not. Presenting a lot of information might get your point across, but I believe that since visual presentation usually comes across well to audience, a short skit and surprising them with the harsh reality is more effective. Instead of forcing them to take action, it’s making those who feel the responsibility to go and do more regarding animal

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