
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

Decent Essays

A person who is in their right mind would never kill a baby, so there is no reason why such a vile thought like abortion should ever cross a woman’s thoughts. It’s despicable to consider ending a life that is just getting started. It does not matter how small that child is, it is still a human and we have no right to take away it’s life. There are millions of women out there and they should have a right to their bodies but when it involves the life of someone who cannot yet speak for themselves we need to put a stop to it. There is so many women who suffer miscarriages, many other complications or simply cannot have children, and they would do anything to have a child. Just imagine going to your doctor because you’re having a bit of a hard time getting pregnant and you hear her say you have a condition that makes it difficult for you to get pregnant, for example Polycystic Ovaries, or just simply that you cannot have kids. Or imagine going to the doctor and finding out you’re pregnant and then you have a miscarriage or your child, that you have everything ready for at home, is a stillborn. That would break anyone’s heart. Unfortunately, that is the reality for 10 to 15 percent of women in the United States. In some cases, it may even be more because sometimes women do not even know that they are pregnant. Instead of funding this villainous idea of abortion, we should be funding our adoption agencies. There is so many issues with the adoption system it fails so many kids

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