
Persuasive Essay On 9 / 11

Decent Essays

It’s crazy how something as small as someone’s beliefs can cause one of the biggest tragedies worldwide. All it took was more than a dozen terrorist, two planes, and a well thought out plan to create the catastrophe we call the 9/11 attack but they call a tremendous heroic event. This was simply an act of being at the right place at the wrong time. 9/11 could be seen all the way in space but was felt by the people in the smallest towns to enormous cities. Although the crashes on 9/11 happened in the amount 102 minutes the aftermath lasted about 99 days yet will never be forgotten among everyone everywhere. Those were truly 102 minutes that shook the world and for some it will never stop shaking. September 11, 2001 four planes …show more content…

As Rev. Al Taylor says during his interview given by his great niece Nayah McCoy on Thursday September 7th 2017 “ A week after the attack I had to travel to Texas for a business trip but I refused to go by plane and it just wasn’t possible to make it down in time by car so I just didn’t go. Of course I was in risk of losing my job but my family is more important than anything, I need them and they need me that’s just how it works.” Although it could be hard to imagine that 9/11 would affect the toys that children play with but it did. During the interview with Elise Elburg given by her neighbor she states “My son loved planes, most of his toys where planes. But once my family and I heard what happened with 9/11 I threw all of his plans away. Most people call me crazy for doing that but what they don’t know is that on September 11th 2001 my sister and her husband were supposed to get on a plane to visit us but ended up canceling because she got sick. Now im not sure what plane she was on because I never asked but she could’ve been on one of the planes that crashed and that scared me half to death. Some parents don’t like their children playing with guns, well, I don’t like my children playing with planes.” This statement also goes along with video games too. Elise was asked if video games were included and without any hesitation she said yes including videogames. There are many video games that remind Elise about the

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