
Persuasive Essay On 9/11

Decent Essays

Nine eleven, four planes, three buildings struck, over three-thousand killed, and two sides to the story. You're faced with a decision. Temperatures are rising, fires are spreading, and those around you are panicking running to the nearest exit. Holding their loved ones as they kiss life goodbye, they take a step over the ledge and jump…plummeting to their deaths. Do you jump or sit there and fade away into the flames? At 7:48am ninety-two people board American Airlines Flight 11. Around fifteen minutes later hijackers announce that the plane is no longer heading towards California. A Boston to New York takes approximately 4 hours. On this …show more content…

These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve” says George W. Bush-43rd U.S. president. According to NIST (National Institute for Standard Technology) the planes may have crashed, but the cause of the collapses were emerging fires-that sprung from jet fuel and flying debris. This supports the theory that exposed steel allowed fires to spring off and burn buildings until they collapsed. “He, too, however espouses that 9/11 was an inside job[that]the case for accusing ill-trained Muslims of causing all of the destruction on 9/11...just does not add up. “From The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden by: Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan. Paul Roberts, a man that has engineering training backs up this claim, by explaining how it is nearly impossible for any building, let alone a building crafted with steel columns to trample at such an accelerated speed. This has led conspiracist to think that the initial story of 9/11 is nothing but a theory to cover the government's actions. Leading the public to believe that hijackers took control and crashed planes into three buildings. “...carefully collected and analyzed evidence” proves the crash

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