
Persuasive Essay About Nuclear Power

Decent Essays

As of the current time period with growing population people around the world need electricity to come out of the darkness. Many natural and man-made resources have been used to overcome this effect. But why there are many people around the world don’t have access to electricity; living in the darkness? Nuclear power, the most efficient way to generate electricity have been of minimal use. The governments cannot effort to install nuclear power because of the cost and the regulations. But why let the people suffer when there is a greener way. Nuclear power should be viewed from a different aspect because of the efficiency and the minimal effect caused to the environment instead on relying on coal and other resources with less efficiency.

Climate …show more content…

Nuclear power plants were set up to harness the energy and provide electricity to a large proportion of people and this energy was very efficient and was long lasting. This technology was also put to use into the medical field to treat cancer patient. The result had a positive and negative effect on the environment. It contaminated the oceans and river there by effecting the fishes and the corals, the radiation emitted had an effect on the human body and to animals. But this source of energy paved a way to greener way of generating electricity and to take an account of global warming and climatic change. In an open letter, more than 65 biologists supported the call to build more nuclear power plants as a global plan to protect the wildlife and the environment and the full gamut of the source (the energy) should put into effect to replace the other fossil fuel such as the oil, coal to cut the effect of severe climate change. Of the many technologies to generate electricity, nuclear power and wind have the highest chance to reduce major climatic effect caused by burning coal which is almost half the global carbon dioxide …show more content…

Risk have to be taken to overcome a fear. Nuclear energy is harmful as any dose of radiation involve a risk to the human body. The Catastrophic Chebronyll disaster left many people dead and the rest to suffer with after radiations effects with will also affect their coming generations and the area around the power plant is inhabitable. There are major risks with the use of such source but looking at the present age where drastic climatic change will affect the whole humanity how can we ignore the best possible opportunity to regulate the current issue with possible minimal

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