
Conservative Career Progression

Decent Essays

When I was younger, I used to pass FIT on the way to Church with my grandma. Every time we would pass after I learned that it was a college, I told her I was going to go to college there. She always encouraged me to get higher levels of education, but it wasn’t until I got older that I started to look at what FIT really had to offer me. Before even holding a pencil correctly was on my list of personal achievements, I drew and colored almost everyday. What career that I wanted to pursue wasn’t really a priority for a four year old, but by the time I turned five, I knew I valued a path where I could be creative and express myself. As I aged, people told me that being an artist wasn’t going to make much money and I should choose a more “conservative” career. Hearing that only made me more determined to go forward with my plan to become an artist. …show more content…

The act of creating takes a lot of time and money, and you need to have a creative mind in order to come up with original ideas. Being a part of that never ending cycle of creation is something I genuinely enjoy and take pride in. Therefore, illustration just seems like the ideal major for me. I can still be myself and express my ideas through different art mediums with there still being some sort of structure to it, whether it be from a client that I had taken on or from my own

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