
Personal Statement For Entrepreneurship

Decent Essays

First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end." ~ Aristotle
The economy is composed of enterprises and businesses. Our economy has survived because the industry leaders had been able to adapt to the changing times and supplied mostly the communities’ needs. Entrepreneurship produces financial gain and keeps the economy afloat, which gives rise to the importance of innovation in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are innovators of the economy. The importance of innovation in entrepreneurship is another key value for the longevity of a business. And, being innovative has helped us become successful in all our endeavors.This leads me to choose my higher education in “Master of Business Administration firmly believe in the philosphy that “Where there's a will, there's a way” and hard work is the key to unlock the doors of the success because there is no shortcut and alternative for attaining success.
The industry is tough, challenging, and competitive, and it has a very dynamic nature in the sense that what may be fashion today can become obsolete tomorrow, what is obsolete tomorrow can make a comeback day after. And the program that i have chosen will equip me with the skills & understanding …show more content…

Working towards a pitch and a business plans the most effective way to master many of the critical skills and concepts of entrepreneurship since it simulates, to a degree, real business challenges. Hence, this course will not only help me to merge my previous studies with my passion of inheriting new skills but will also open many doors for my bright future when I will be back to India after completion of my studies. Moreover, as per the course structure will provide me with the golden opportunities for my

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