
Personal Statement: A Career As An International Student

Decent Essays

I am from a family of very low income. My father who is my primary sponsor makes $800 a month (lower than the minimum wage here in Texas). As my parents are both supporting me and my younger sister (who is also pursuing her degree in Political Science at the University of Dar-es-Salaam), it is getting harder and harder to support all of us together with themselves in that equation and as a result, my parents are in considerable debt. They are living paycheck to paycheck with no savings and it hurts me so much that I put them in this position because of my pursuit of education here. Though my little sister is working part-time and on school breaks, she still requires my parent's financial support. Being an international student here in America, …show more content…

My financial situation is extremely bad that I cannot afford clothes or books along with transport back and forth from campus to home. It is extremely painful to wake up with nothing in your bank account. I feel stuck sometimes as I know I am a hard worker and if I got a job right now I would work extremely hard and on the other hand, I am poor. My biggest fear is someday all my dreams will come to an end because of my financial difficulties. Despite these unbearable circumstances I am fighting because I know will make it here in America and that is only that is giving me hope to wake up every day and work extremely hard in my education. First and foremost, I will be extremely grateful if I am selected to receive a scholarship. This scholarship will definitely contribute to my academic success here at Collin and also have less financial stress on my parents even for that short period. It will motivate to work even harder and put in more work into my classes and it will also signal to me that Collin has recognized my hard work and dedication into my studies and that you are willing to support your best students. I would also be able to afford books and transportation costs. The extra money I save I would use to come to class on days

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