As an adolescent growing up I saw my mother always in school for social work or even psychology. I never really understood what it meant to be a social worker until Hurricane Katrina occurred. After the storm, my mother took me to see the people that were suffering from the storm. I began asking my mother why isn’t anyone helping and what will happen to them. She then began to explain to me the best she could that the victims of Katrina were going to need someone there to help them through the tragic incident. I then grew a soft spot and wanted to do anything and everything to help those who were suffering. At that moment, I knew that I wanted to become a social worker to help those through dramatic situations. As I got older I became interested in helping those I seen in need of help.
Describe your career
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I want to allow those who feels as if they do not have anywhere safe to go a place where they can come and feel safe. With this center, I want to be able to offer tutoring, counseling, sports, activities, family and many more to those who don’t have any other options in life. The purpose of the center would be to keep teens off the streets. Seeing someone achieve their goal and vision in life is my aspiration and it motivates me to keep going.
How do you think your personal values would affect your work with problematic or difficult client? As a social worker, it is important for me to stay true to thyself, but it is also important that I do not allow my personal values and beliefs affect my work with a problematic or difficult client. It is important that I assist my client to the full of my ability. If I cannot assist my client to my full ability, I would referral them to someone else that can.
What Personal strengths do you possess that will be useful to you as a Social Worker? What are your limitations/weaknesses? How do you plan to improve in these
– My personal values will have to be respecting others, education, and helping and caring for others. The person(s) who I feel influenced me the most in forming my values is my parents and my grandmother. They influenced me because growing up they always preach about treating others with respect even if I feel like they don’t deserved it. They also made sure that education was a priority and not an option. For as helping and caring for others I always saw them helping when they didn’t necessary didn’t have too and not one complain or threw it in the person face. The value that lead me into social work is helping and caring for others wanting to see them do better and make better decision in life.
Professionally I was tasked with putting the care plans for various individuals into action by helping the people cultivate life skills such as investing money and budgeting skills, assisting them in the development of high levels of independence while aiming at improving their social and communication skills. In one way or another, helping these people led me to develop a great passion for working as a social worker. On a daily basis, I provided steady and continuous emotional support so that the individuals can lead a less stressful life. Besides that, I learned how to communicate well with clients on various sensitive issues that affected them emotionally in the most appropriate and understanding manner. Thus, this job significantly improved my patience, communication skills and my imitative in approaching people I meet in my everyday life. I became more aware of my personal beliefs
1. Why or what led you to become a social worker or select social work as a career.
All my life my parents have taught me the value of helping others. Having different experiences and growing up in an atmosphere where the need of others were put before our own, led me to have a desire to be a social worker. Believing that being a social worker involves many special skills, as an example one of those that u need to interact with people from different cultures and principles than me. For as long as I remember I have had the desire to become a social worker inspiring people and developing people that will drive me to dedicate my excitement and dedication to do what is important in this dream job a reality.
Growing up I witnessed my sister and grandmother deal with serious mental illness. My sister and grandmother both were diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It has always been my passion to help them manages their episodes. Growing up witnessing these episodes I always knew that I wanted to help those who are struggling to cope with mental health issues. Social work is not just a passion of mine, but a solution to the struggles many people face every day. I learned my “caring and compassion” for others, from my mother. My early experiences were a driving force for me pursuing my master’s in social work. As a child, my mother took in adults, children, and families within our neighborhood and afar to aid them in difficult times. Whether it was for a meal, a night, or longer, she has spent her life caring for others. The passion my mother possessed for helping others has become my
My inclination to become a social worker solidify out of three-years of interaction and counseling sessions with my aunt’s nightly bruises and screams. At the age of 13, my father lost his job and became severely sick. By my father’s requisite, I moved in with my aunt and her husband, David, in Baltimore, Maryland. My aunt was a short, petite 32-year-old woman and at thirteen, I weighed more than she did. Many nights I kept my door cracked, sleeping with one eye open, knowing that my aunt
"Why do I want to be a Social Worker?" It's simple, I want to become a social worker because I have a passion, and need to help people. My passion stems from beginning my first year as an intern for the Durham County Department of Social Services as a Social Worker Assistant, seeing and knowing of the abuse and neglect that most encounter. My need comes from knowing that changing the world starts with helping one person at a time and being able to empathize with them. Having been in their shoes and experiencing it firsthand along with my siblings, gives me more of that knowledge and ability to build that rapport to ensure them that there are others who have gone through just the same as they do or have.
My interested in the field of social work started while I was working at a hospital as an Emergency Medical Scribe. At first, I wanted to become a nurse. However, after I affiliated with some of the nurses and watch how they take care of the patients with different injuries and sickness in the emergency room; I knew right away that this line of work was not my calling. One day, while I was working at the hospital, the doctor and I saw a patient who was in need of help other than medical related. The doctor asked the charge nurse, who was on duty that day, to call the Social Worker. The social worker came in to the room and talked to the patient about how she will help in finding a place to stay as the patient recovering and also governmental
From an early age, I have accompanied my mother as she lent a listening ear to sex workers, feed the homeless, and visited the elderly in nursing homes; these moments instilled in me a strong desire to help others. Throughout my undergraduate years, I debated whether I would help others on a macro level, by studying economics, or an individual level, by studying psychology. Although both of these fields increased my awareness of systematic and personal issues which kept people oppressed, neither focused on alleviating the conditions of those most in need. After researching several fields, social work appealed most to me because it’s a practical evidence-based profession focused on helping others rediscover their strengths.
Submit an essay of 3 to 5 typed pages explaining: 1) Why he/she wants to be a social worker Being a social worker for some people is just a job. Although this will help me make a living, this is not why I am in the field of social work. I was in foster care as a child and I was faced with many challenges that I had to overcome. I was physically, mentally, and sexually abused as a child and it left a mark as I continued to grow. Although this may not sound like a good thing, I was able to be surrounded by many people who were there to help me along the way, social workers.
I have desired to enter the field of Social Work for as long as I can remember. Caring for others has always been second nature to me. Over the years I have been exposed to many different life experiences, which have introduced me to a wide variety of people, many of them dealing with a multitude of different life hurts which includes addiction, abuse, and mental illness. Having been exposed to such diverse life experiences, the Lord has taught me to love the hurting, and has filled me with a desire to help those in need. I have, for many years, had a soft spot for young moms that are living with an unplanned pregnancy and contemplating adoption.
In 2016, I was very unhappy in my career, and my place of employment didn’t make it any better. I called my girlfriends crying because I was so unhappy. The next day I woke up at 7:30am and applied for a job, and started 2 weeks later. My current position, is working with homeless men, and women. I love everything about it!
I chose social working as my career because many other people go through tough situations and have a difficult time talking to relatives or friends to help them through a tough situation. I thought of becoming a social worker so I can have the ability to change the lives of others. Social work is one of those careers you can truly make a difference in people’s lives. I want to become a social worker because life isn’t about just helping yourself it’s about helping others as well, which is what social workers do for a living. Child and family social workers protect children and families in need of assistance. Many families and children don’t feel comfortable talking to just anyone about obstacles they have faced in their lives which is why
Values are used in every aspect of the social work profession. It is important to have an understanding of these core values for the benefit of the client and the profession. There are many different reasons to become a social worker and many different people who choose to become social workers. I am choosing to become a social worker because, I am passionate about people in need. The core values provide me with the guidance on how to achieve my goals in a kind and effective way.
My vision of the social work field is being able to help people in need and being the person that people can look back on and remember as a huge help in time of need. I think my core values and beliefs will help me be an effective social worker and help me succeed in this field. It is in my belief that a person should never be knocked down when they are going through hardships, and rather empowering them. I also believe that not everyone could be a social worker because it takes a certain kind of empathetic and self-aware person. I truly believe that my upbringing has humbled me to understand and not be judgmental of people’s issues since I’ve seen a lot in my short twenty-one years.