
Core Values In Social Work

Decent Essays

Values are used in every aspect of the social work profession. It is important to have an understanding of these core values for the benefit of the client and the profession. There are many different reasons to become a social worker and many different people who choose to become social workers. I am choosing to become a social worker because, I am passionate about people in need. The core values provide me with the guidance on how to achieve my goals in a kind and effective way.
The first core value of the social work profession is service. Service provides me with the satisfaction of giving back to the community. Through studying social work I am able to do things that I enjoy, while also contributing to something that is much bigger than I am. I was able to …show more content…

I volunteered with Health Services Center in Gadsden, AL. Going into the volunteer work, I was worried that it would take up to much of my time, but soon realized that nothing I was doing there was a waste of my time and I enjoyed every second of it. I have also benefitted from others serving me, when I left my hometown to come JSU I was offered by my employer to buy my school textbooks for two semester. This act of service that was not expected or necessary helped me in so many ways and I am striving to be able to pay that forward in the future. Social justice is the second core value of the social work profession. Social Justice is important to me for many reasons, I grew up living in a household that struggled financially and relied

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