
Personal Narrative: Who I Am Today

Satisfactory Essays

Lesly Campos Running defines who I am today
Starting high school can be a little scary, especially when you have no guidance from siblings, like me, being the first one from my family to have an education. But that did not stop me from succeeding, I?ve always been confident and determined. I?m an enthusiastic when it comes to trying new things. Who would have thought I was going to be a good athlete plus a book geek, when in my past years I was just a regular kid. I was pretty excited about joining a club that had a connection with high school, that way I didn?t have to start from zero, I always want to be a step ahead. Fortunately, in summer, a high school coach was recruiting freshmen for running either cross country or track, they both involve running, so I considered it like the same sport with different timing. And this is when it all started. Running …show more content…

Joining cross-country made me the person I am today.
When I started training for cross-country in the summer before my freshman year, I had a specific routine I had to follow in order to obtain the results I wanted. My schedule was organized in a certain way; the practice would begin at 6:30 in the morning, we would run miles and after that like at 8:00 we would work out our legs or arms, depending on what day it was. It was challenging but not impossible, I like to be good at what I do, so I knew that it would take plenty of hard work and dedication. Even though, I was just a freshman, by the beginning of July I had already caught up with the varsity. We had to run different amount of miles each day, we had hard day; 8 miles, medium day; 6 miles, and easy day;

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