
Personal Narrative: My First Day Of Cross Country

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The sun was beating down on me, sweat was dripping down my face and I was starting to fall apart both mentally and physically. It was actually a beautiful day - no clouds in the sky, a nice breeze, birds chirping. This day was the first day of cross country for me and I was behind everyone else. I was planning on playing soccer, but I did not make the team. That meant I was going to be a whole summer behind in my conditioning, and I was already feeling it. This day was just supposed to be an easy four mile run, yet I had to walk just halfway through it.
This was my first time running long distance since 7th grade and now it was sophomore year. I did not play any sports during my freshman year because I tried out for the soccer team that year too, but I did not make it. It took a lot of time for me to decide on a participating in a fall sport, but I finally settled on cross country. I started the season as one of the slowest guys. I only expected to get a little better during the season. I promised myself I would try my absolute hardest. In order to earn my letter in the sport I would have to hit a certain time in my 5k. I had no intention of earning it though. Throughout the season I gradually got faster and was happy with myself. …show more content…

I could care less about being the best on the team as long as I continue to persevere. I learned from running cross country that I am capable of much more than I might believe I am. Most of all, I learned that hard work always pays off. This specific season of cross country has influenced my future greatly. One part is having new friends and something to do after school for the seasons to come. More importantly, I have more confidence and trust that everything I work on will eventually be worth it, as well as to not to give up after failing. This experience motivates me to continue to work in and out of school to be the best I can

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