
Personal Narrative: To Be An Effective Leader

Decent Essays

It takes a lot to be a leader. I would know because I looked up to leaders all my life. I was always the follower, he one who took orders and did what I was told. I never thought of becoming anything more. Beginning high school was a difficult transition. Suddenly everything you did mattered because it directly affected your future. I was always the wall flower, the shy girl with introverted tendencies that sometimes held me back. However, that all changed after I joined robotics my sophomore year. As a new member of a world winning robotics team, I was completely lost. I had no idea what my purpose was and I did not know how I would be able to contribute to such a successful team. I would keep to myself by doing what I was told such as taking notes or organizing the nuts and bolts; the jobs that no one else wanted. By doing such small and meticulous tasks, I could work up the ladder and was selected to become the next captain of the team after only one year. Although there were many other qualified veterans qualified for the position, my mentors saw that I had the leadership potential which I never knew existed until my …show more content…

I have become the medical records assistant at the local medical clinic. and I have trained most of the new employees at the Point, a convenience store. I am a person who leads by example. The people whom I look up to saw the leadership potential within me that I have never known I had. I always saw my shyness as something that held me back, but after becoming the leader of a team, I used my observant quality as a way to contribute to the engineering notebook and in my everyday life. I realized that are still some characteristics about me that will not disappear, but I have learned how to be more optimistic about them and turn something that once held me back into something that I could use to my advantage to guide and motivate others to succeed as I

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